Chapter 27

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Jax backed himself and slowly pulled the curtain away. I saw the goblin briefly this time.

It was short in height about 2.5 - 3feet. Surely this one was healthy and green. His nose and ears were large but not sharp, except for his teeth. His jaw was smaller and feet broard. He wore a brown cloth around his waist that extended slantly to his left arm.
I stared at him and so did he. I slowly got up and tried to head him.
As he realised that we could see him, he trembled. He didn't move , instead stayed there with his hands curved near his chest. He seemed terrified and didn't seem to harm us.
All I saw was a horrified ugly face, filled with pity. The moment was ethereal.

"He is in horror. I don't think he'd harm us." Wybie told in a slow voice.

Jax tried to approach. I stopped him.
"Don't move Jax."
"Why?" He asked.

My brain was flooded with an awesomely brilliant idea. It was ineffable, yet I tried to explain.
"Listen guys. This one can take us to others. Don't make him uncomfortable."

"Sally is right. He's our only hope to the book." Dutches agreed to me as she stood up.

"Wen, open the first drawer. It has three torchs in it. Grab em. V, pass me my cell phone. Open the window Jax on my second say." I ordered. "We are going to follow the bear to its cave."

Wendy passed Maddy and Ferd a torch and kept one to herself. I grabbed my cell and fitted in my pocket.
We had a perfect plan to be implemented.

"Everybody ready to have a chase?"
"Are we sure about doing this?" Ferd asked instantly.
"You do have a choice to say Ferd." Maddy replied.

He sighed. I then looked at the poor thing that stared us as if he was steak. I then signalled Jax to open the window.

As he backed, the goblin jumped out. As per the plan, Jax and I rushed to the window to see his route.
"He's heading alley 3." Jax told as I noticed.
"Great. Let's go." The best part was that alley 3 had a sole backstreet that made the chase much easier.

We rushed down stairs. Wendy had convinced Mother.
"I grabbed as much as I could." Maddy was assigned to pack the essentials.
We then headed outside. "This way." Wybie signalled and we followed him.
"Alley 3, V." Jax informed him. He nodded as we ran.

"This way." Jax directed us.

"Well , the book was wrong." Maddy said as we made our way.
"Which book?" Wybie asked.
"The 101 facts book."she answered. "Goblins don't seem foolish... At all. The first was was so truculent."
"Yea.. We see that." Wendy said as she looked at my arm. Wybie chuckled.
"No. The goblins Are dumb creatures." I looked up at Dutches as she made an unexpected point. "Well, the goblin that grabbed Jax's legs. He had an opportunity to rip him off with his sharp nails. He didn't. And the one that hid behind the curtain. All that time he had with us, he didn't even try to escape the place. Instead, he was afraid. Of us. "
"What about the goblin that had a knife and almost killed you and Sally? He was a goblin too. Why wasn't HE dumb?"
Dutches didn't reply to Maddy. But she sure made a remark.

After a couple of minutes, we came and halted at a turn. Some of us turned and then backed themselves. Ferd signalled danger. So we hid there, behind the trash cans? I peeped in to find that It was them.

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