Chapter 14

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"We had drinks and we swam in the lake....and ..had fun." I don't know why I hesitated to say that.
"How long did you stay there?" He threw another .
"Three hours!" Dutches and I replied together. I sighed ; for we didn't say different.
"So . We conclude that you are lying." At his say, Dutches and I were confused. Instead, everyone was. I looked at him with my raised eyebrows and asked him,
"What makes you think that Jax?
"Come on JJ . Stop blowing her . She said she was at Lake Vensus. Shake it off. We are late for lunch." Maddy made a point.
"No Maddy. Wait!"
Jax turned towards me and said,
"Yesterday we took three hours to go and three hours to return. Adding the time till here, its 7 hours to travel. You say you stayed there three hours. It makes you lost for 10 hours. But you were away for 5 hours. "
His calculations blew me and the others. Dutches and I stared at each other. We bend our heads in front of the DADDY of the universe.
"Spit it now Sal. Where were you?"

He forced us to say the truth. We did. Dutches said maybe they would help me to fight the Whisperer. I told them the story of the book and the background. Obviously, everyone was surprised and shocked and confused; basically with mixed emotions.
"So YOU ...I mean Sally Pinchholes will I must say,The Whisperer, the evil with magical powers and save the human dimension from getting conquered."
Wybie said that with extreme emotions and gestures that creeped me away.
"Yes." I replied.

Something clicked Ferd and he bursted between our talks.
"Heyy....listen Sal. You said the book..I mean the diary lends wishes true."
"Yah !"
"Whoever asks for a wish , the diary takes something precious away from them."
"Uh hun!"
Ferd got up and sat besides me. Catching hold of my shoulder tightly he said,
"You wished from the diary too." His words echoed in my ears .

I suddenly realised something I have been ignoring all the time. I got panicked at the thought of losing something dear to me. Aunt Sarah lost her husband. Father Enchantios lost his magic. What leaves me?

"Hey hey hey...wait. Sally call home. Ask how's everyone home."
I agreed to Wendy and reached for my cell phone. It was in the backpack at the edge of the lake. I got up and headed. I dialled Mother.
As each bell rang, my heart pounded off. I was so scared to here a bad news.
Not mother nor Grandmother. I hope they are all right. Grandfather! Oh I didn't even meet him since months. Please God Help me. Anything but my people. Hope it takes my doll or my canary. No canary. Peggie I love you. God please...

*Hello.* I heard mom as she picked up the phone. Thank God she's okay.
*Hello Mother? It's me Sally.*
*Sally . How are you sweetie? Hope its fun there.*
*Yeah. How's Grandmother?*
*She ...uh ....she's good. Remembering you.*
*You sound unsure mother. Is every thing okay ?*
*Yeah sweetie. Its fine.  Why are you asking so? Nightmares or something...*
*I want to talk to Grandmother.*
*She is...umm....sleeping right now.*
*Mother! Please... Wait. Who is that? Grandmother? Is she sobbing? Mother? Answer me . Hello?*
*Sweetie... That's Vil. He broke his toy car.*
*Vil? Is Aunt Helda home?*
*Yeah. Helda, Sam and Vil arrived yesterday. They are missing you. When are you returning?*
*Day after tomorrow.*
*Okay sweetie. Be safe. Don't eat leaves there. Bye.*
I smiled as I disconnected. She always treated me as a kid. ' She'd never realise that I'm in high school now.'
"Every thingz Okay?" Wendy asked as she approached me.
"Yeah. I wonder how?" I was uncertain about what Mother said. I suspected her. She was lying about something but what was it, I wondered.

"It is suspicious that you didn't lose anything." Dutches said as she splashed a stone in the lake. "Maybe your Mom made it up."
I was still unsatisfied. Something bad tickles my gut. I didn't know what to think. I just wanted to go back home and see if everything was fine.

We had returned to our tents after a long walk. Sundown was minutes later. I saw everyone working and collecting and scheduling for the night. We had planned a party . I didn't knew what for . But it would be fun, I guessed. I saw Dutches. She was helping too. I was the only one lazying around.
I saw Jax approaching me. I stiffed. I didn't wanted to talk to him. I didn't like his way of revealing the truth. He forced me . I mean who does that. He'd always been like that. He always bosses me. I never liked that. I remember going his house to clear my doubts in Biology. I understood the concept and I decided to leave. He forced me to learn it then and there. I had to stay there for 3 hours. 'I know you won't learn it when you go home.' Okay I agree but cannot f-o-r-c-e me. I hate it. I hate him.
" I am sorry." He said after a minute of sitting silent. He always force me to do things and then apologies with a cute bat face. This time you lose Jax John. I am not getting into your pretties. I didn't reply. I turned my face away.
He sighed and left. It was weird. He always stays until he convinces me. Something's wrong with him. But why do I care. Let him go Sally. My mind and my heart were fighting severely.
I got up and left in the woods .

'Its for your benefit Sally.' My benefit? You don't know what's good and bad for me. Who are you to order me? I am not your monkey. 'Sally I order you..' 'Yes master Bid me.' Garbage. Hate you Jax. Hate your Friendship.

With  thoughts running in my mind, I didn't realise that I walked far away.

Authors note:
Hey Readers,
Important note- I will be updating a chapter on Saturday too. So stay tuned.
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