Chapter 19

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"Hey Vil."
"Sally." He called out and ran inside. Surely Aunt Helda was home.
"Who's that?" Dutches asked me.
"That's my little cousin, Villam. We call himVil." I answered as we entered.
Mother came searching. She hugged me as she saw me. "Oh, my sweetheart."
She looked at Dutches and said, "A new friend. You must be Dutches. Welcome dear."
I called mom and informed her. So she knew that we would be arriving.
I saw Uncle Sam approaching. "Hey. Miss Pinchholes. Hope you are okay now."
I didn't knew what he was talking about. I saw Mother eyeing him.
"What is it Mother? What are you hiding?"
"Nothing sweetie?" She hesitated. I felt something was not good. They were surely hiding something from me. I ignored.
I then introduced Dutches to everyone. "She's staying for sometime with us." I cleared them.

I met Aunt Helda. "You've grown up." She always says that whenever we meet. She arrived home 2 months back.
I showed Dutches her room.
"Where is your room?" She asked me. I then roamed her the house.
All this time I didn't see Grandmother. I left Dutches in her room to freshen up and then headed downstairs.

Mother was cooking. Aunt Helda was helping. As I entered the kitchen, I heard Aunt Helda whispering Mother something. I saw something was serious. I carefully put my steps near so that I could hear without them seeing me. I approached them. All I heard was,"Then when?" Aunt Helda asked Mother. Mother replied,"The right moment."
What are they talking about? What right moment?
"Sally? Dear we didn't see you come hear." Aunt Helda saw me while I was thinking.
"Sally. You were spying. That is bad." Mother got mad at me. She didn't like me peeping in her talks. "Sorry Mother. But I didn't mean to.." I lied, trying to lighten things up.
She didn't say a word and left the kitchen. Aunt Helda followed her.

There is something wrong. I don't know how to figure it out. What is it that they are hiding? Grandmother is not home. Everyone is acting strange since I arrived. Even Jax has lost his mind.
I heard a knock on the door. "Sally." It was Dutches.
"Come in Blondie."
She entered. I saw her wearing a black top and a black pant. I chuckled and asked,
"Why so Black?"
At first she didn't understand. She then looked at her dress and said,
"Oh. This. I saw everyone down there wearing Black. I thought there must be some black ceremony in the house. So I decided to blend in."

Her say was the revealer. Everyone is wearing black, as if someone is.. Grandmother is not home. There is some secret being hidden. Also diary.. It is takes something precious of the writer.
At this thought, my blood chilled. I ran downstairs, leaving Dutches in confusion. Mother was making the dinner-table. I stood in front of her and asked out loud,
"Where is Grandmother?"
Mother freaked. But asked gently. "Sally , what is the problem?"
"Mother please tell me , where is Grandmother?"
She answered straight, "She is with your Grandfather. She will be returning home soon. That is your answer. Now go in your room."

Her answer didn't make me satisfied. Something still tickled me.
As I was about to leave, I heard the door bell. I waited to see if it was Grandmother.
Uncle Sam opened the door. It was her.

I rushed towards her and hugged her tight. "Grandmother. Oh I am so happy to see you!" I didn't notice at first that I dropped somethings that were in her hand.
"Oh I am sorry." I apologised and leaned down to pick the things up.

On my notice, it was Dad's belonging. Dad's leather jacket that Mom gifted him on his birthday. Why is with Grandmother? What! That is Dad's wedding ring.
I lifted them up and gave a firm look to Grandmother. "What is this Grandmother? Why are Dad's belongings with you?" I asked.

At this point, Grandmother touched my face gently and looked all over.
"What a pretty child did Wayne had! Beautiful and intelligent. I wish he stayed more."
At her say, my heart broke a little. Why is she saying as if Dad's...?
"Sorry dear we didn't inform you before. But your Dads' .. Your Dad is no more."
She started sobbing as she said.

My heart broke totally. I felt like I got paralysed. My mind stopped working. He was so good the last time I met him. I stumbled. Mother hugged me . She said something that I didn't hear. I was now starting to realise that the book too my Dad. Dad was my precious. The book took it .
I walked motionless to my room and cried out loud.

It was now 1:08a.m . My eyes were sticked on the clock opposite to my bed. My face was dry. I could feel it. I had never received such a pain in my life.
There was a sudden knock on the door. It broke the silence. I turned around . It was Dutches. In her hand was a tray. She bought me food. I saw her sit in front of me. She didn't say a word. She seemed she waited me to tell her something.
I straightened and said,
"We had a perfect life before Dad got shifted to the mental asylum.
On my eleventh birthday, Dad took us to the woods. Everything was fun.. when something hid Dad on his head. Since then , he remembers me. Only me. Maybe because the last face he saw before fainting was mine."
I socced as I said. "Everything was good until the book came in my life. Damn book. Neither I had wished something nor.... My Dad. No wait it's your fault. You should have lost...."
"I didn't lose it." It was sure that she was reading my mind . So she interrupted.
"Mom was about to finish the book when the Whisperer stole it away."
At her say, I got distracted.
"Wait a minute." I turned towards her, folding my legs. "What do you mean by saying The Whisperer stole it?" I was curious and confused.
"Mom and I thought it was the end of the world. But we realised that it wasn't going to end soon. The Whisperer sent his assistant to inquire about the book. The Whisperer had lost it. It was a good news. At least the destruction was delayed." She smiled.

I felt something clicky. I digged in my mind to acknowledge.....
"How did the book reached me?"

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