Chapter 10

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Everybody was packing up. The last night still wandered in my head. What happened? I didn't knew it exactly. She was missing from her bed and then she suddenly appeared. She left or not...uhhh.. I then decided to ask her straight-away.
She was sitting near the van, chatting with Ferd. I went up to them. Ferd smiled at me and asked,"You packed up?"
I nodded. "Mind me talking to you Dutches. Alone."
She got up. We then walked up to the logs and sat there.
"Do you have a relatively shotter name? I mean D-U-T-C-H-E-S is tougher for a friend."
I tried to get lenient on the conversation. I did not wanted to sound like a detective.
"Well no one's ever thought about a pet name for me." She answered as if that was the important talk.
We stayed in silence for a half a minute or so. Then I asked,
"You know yesternight I woke up to find you were not on your bed. I searched nearby in the woods. When I returned, I saw you were there. Weird right? Maybe a nightmare."
She sighed and lowered her head down. Not saying a word, she stood up and left.
I did not understand what her actions meant. I let it go.

"Ready Everbody?" Jax pulled his bag on his shoulder and stared at Wendy. She is always late. We were going to the lake. The sunset sighting lake where Jax and his friends went the first night of camping.
We saw Wendy trying to fit the volleyball in her bag.
"Come on!!!" said Ferd . He was holding the bag so that she could fit it in.
"Let it go. Here, give me . I'll carry it." I solved the problem.
Then suddenly it clicked me. My diary ,I forgot to keep it. "Just a minute guys." I rushed inside my tent. I searched it in my suitcase. It wasn't there. "Let it be Sally. You are not going to write it anyway." I heard Dutches scream. She was right. But where is it? I couldn't find it. 'It musta been here somewhere.' I thought.
I came out on Jax's call.
"I cannot find it." I said.
"What ? Did you search every where?" Wybie asked me in a worried tone.
"I did . It's not in there."
"It's magical . Musta flown away somewhere." Mear expressed with her hands waving.
"Can we let it go? We'll search it when we return. Okay?"
I nodded. Certainly, I could never deny Jax's words. He head counted us.
"7 to go, 7 to return!" With his marching statement, we started walking.
"No wait. We aren't seven. Where's Dutches?" I didn't saw her since I got outta my tent after searching for the diary. I did hear her voice when I was inside.
"I am hear." She stood beside the parked van. "I went to the washroom."
I guessed that she was lying. She didn't know about the washroom. Did she?
"Ookayy, 8 to go, 8 to return." Jax changed his marching statement.

In half an hour,we were there. We sat there. It was just half an hour walk which tired me like forever. The lake wasn't so big. It was much like a pond. I got up and went near it.  I could see fishes. Yes ,it was a pond. No wait. 'Lake Simons'. I read the board. I rolled my eyes and returned. I sat beside Wendy. She was laughing out loud. "Shut up ,Ferd. My stomach aches. " she said as Ferd giggled and continued what he was saying. His words didn't reach my ears . Something else caught my attention. Some sort of sound. It was comming from the distant behind me. I stood up, trying to recognize it.
"That's my mom." Dutches broke my concentration. I didn't see her approaching. What? Her mom's voice spreads throughout the woods? Does she..
"Yes, I live hear. I don't work in the restaurant. Sorry for lying."
I got confused. She said she works at the restaurant at lake Vensus. Now she says she lives here . And her mom is screeching. Why? What for?
I was just staring at her. Totally confused. She turned towards me . Her pich black eyes stared into mine. She then whispered a little loud, "Can we talk? It's important."
I did wanted to talk to her myself. So I nodded. I followed her to a distance from others. We sat down .
What I heard next was out of my imagination.

Authors note:
Hey readers,
It's gonna be supper fun next.
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