A Little Too Late

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Chapter 1

It's been a few days since everyone came over... Taylor hasn't updated me on Audrey even though I keep asking. I have been stressing over how she's been treating Taylor and I feel bad, I hated being in the dark with them two.

"honey, whatcha thinkin' about?" Niall walked over, wrapping his arms around my waist. I was staring out the window, watching the cars drive by.

"nothing..." I turned around and gave him a kiss "wheres Kyle?!"

"I left him playing in his room, why?"

I completely bypassed him and ran to Kyle's room; he was sitting on the floor turning blue and not breathing. I rushed to the floor, opening his mouth and pulling out the car that was stuck down his throat. He gasped for air and then started laughing again, playing with his trucks. I held the car, whipping it off on my shirt. Niall stood in the doorway, "I didn't think that would happen..."

"oh come on Niall, you know our son... he sticks anything and everything in his mouth. He can't be alone. And you know that" I was frustrated with him, this situation has happened three times with Niall leaving him alone... like you think a guy would realize, oh hey my son likes to chew on things... I shouldn't leave him alone... but not my husband.

He chuckled walking over to me, "when did you get so 'mom like' on me?"

"since you never became 'dad like'" I smiled, handing him the toy car and grabbing Kyle for dinner. Walking over I put Kyle in his highchair and got out some burger. Niall got a beer out of the fridge, sitting at the table, playing on his phone.

"you can't keep treating me like this mom!"

I turned around at the sound of the front door opening, Audrey barging full force into the living room. I put the stuff down walking over to see what all of the commotion was. "all you do is pick and pry into my life. Don't you have anything better to do?!"

"woah! What is going on here!? Why are we over at my house yelling at each other?!" I interrupted

"I'm sick and tired of mom being mom. I'm living here." Audrey started to storm off into our master bedroom. "I don't need you around in my life telling me what I can and can't do! I'm so fucking tired of being around you 24/7! Dad hardly can stand you now a days! All you are is an annoying bitch that doesn't know when to stop! I'm so happy I'm a Styles and not a Swift!!"

"don't you dare talk to mom that-" she slammed the door shut over my talking. I looked over and Taylor just stood there... like she's heard it all before. "how can you just let her tell you all of that! don't you think you should have said something?!"

She shook her head sitting on the couch, "I'm so tired of saying something and making everything worse. And that's not the worst thing she said to be Bridget; I can't handle this." She put her head in her hands, practically bawling during every word. "I never wanted to be this kind of mom. I never wanted my daughter to resent me so much. I don't even know what I did wrong! I was called into the principal's office again today... and once again she got into a fight. She got suspended for a week, when we got home I just asked why this one happened, wondering if her friends were a part of it too... and she just snapped at me. I brought her over here hoping you could maybe talk some sense into her, since I can't."

I sat next to her, rubbing circles on her back "I'll talk to her mom, I promise. She's just having a tough time with being a kid of two celebrity parents. She will come around."

She cried even more in my arms and then quickly stiffened up, "Masons in the car... I should get heading home. her bags are right out the door, I'm sorry Bridg" she stood up, grabbing her purse and walking out the door.

"Audrey, get out here." I heard moving around a little and then nothing "now." She slowly opened up the door and peeked her head out, "is she gone?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, nodding. She walked out, looking at me with soft eyes

"I have never in my whole life seen mom cry that hard before. Ever. Why do you have to be so mean to her? She hasn't done anything to you to make you hate her this much."

"yeah, she was herself." She scoffed

"don't you dare say that Audrey. She is your mother and she has taken care of you since the day you were born. You don't realize that you're taking her for granted, she isn't doing this for you to hate her... she's doing this because she is your mom."

"well I don't need a mom"

"oh you don't?! want to switch shoes with me real quick? Know what its like to have a mom give less than two shits about you. to actually give you drugs so you can get over something?! Oh how about you have your mom kill your father and then run away from you. huh do you want that instead?! Do you know what it's like not to have a mom or do you just want to be a stubborn ass?" I yelled at her, making her cry a little

"Bridg I'm sorry"

"no. you're not. Your room will be next to Kyles. Go get yourself acquainted with it." I pointed towards the end of the hall. She put her head down and walked to the room, slamming it shut.

"dear lord what was all of that about" Niall came in with Kyle fast asleep in his arms... I swear that kid never eats real food because he sleeps so much. Definitely more my kid than Niall's.

"nothing, I'll put Kyle to bed" I grabbing him from Niall's arms and walked down the hall. I tucked him in and headed to our room plopping down on the bed. I was already ready for bed and it was maybe eight, "want to talk about it?" Niall popped his head in, walking over to me

"when did she turn into a spoiled little brat?"

"a lonnnnnggg time ago, but you loved her too much to notice it" he chucked sitting next to me. I placed my head on his lap as he played with my hair, "but I think you could kick her into shape, momma Bridget."

"ugh, when did we grow up so fast Niall?? I feel that we were just sixteen and eighteen playing football in England. Now we have a kid... living on our own. Dealing with my little sister...I feel like I blink and everything changed immediately"

"well are you happy where you are? Or should we go play some football and figure stuff out"

I smiled, he always had a way of making me smile when I've been over thinking "no, I'm happy. Just stressed"

"well how about I unstress you??" he gave me a wink and I lifted off his lap, looking at him. "I fancy the idea... how about you Bridg?"

"It's not the worst idea I've heard all day" I giggled, placing my lips on his, without breaking it, he picked me up and turned me around so I was now laying on the bed. "well go shut the door Niall..." I pulled from him pointed at the wide open door

He groaned, prying himself off of me. "let me guess... you want the lights off too"

I smiled at him and nodded as he gave me a half laugh. After shutting off the lights her ran over and jumped on me, receiving a scream laugh from me. He started jumping up and down, stripping off a piece of clothing each bounce. I entertained myself as I watched him take off his pants; almost falling off the bed in the process.

"okay, where were we?"

Alright guys. I can't believe you swayed me to make a third one... I am excited for this, but I will also be writing another story at the same time, 'Innocent' so bear with me on the updates for each one. Sooo I'm expecting some comments and votes and shares on this... since all of you wanted it so bad! Haha but here we are, once again with Bridget and Niall.

This story won't be as long as the other ones, and I will try to make this ending a real ending because I will not make a fourth one to this. Because that would for sure be overkill. And please, please, please let me know if it ever gets boring or it should just be done, because I don't want to overstay my welcome with this story. But just keep the comments coming because I love them. Have a great night


A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now