Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Taylor's POV

I woke up with Mason still in my arms and Jackson's wrapped around me. I moved Masons curls out of his face, "hey buddy, wake up" he took a deep breath in and opened his eyes, "do you even want to go to school today?" I asked and he smiled, shaking his head. "I don't think I want you to go to school anyway. I'm selfish"

He giggled, and I heard Jackson move about, waking up as well. "good morning you two."

"hi!" Mason climbed over me and sat on Jackson, "my mom says I don't have to go to school today"

"I wish my mom did that to me when I was a kid..." he smiled and looked over at me, "what's the plan today?"

"hmm...." I thought for a moment, not really knowing what I wanted to do.

"I want to go to the beach!" Mason shouted and jumped up and down.

"beach it is."

"can Jackson come mommy please!" I loved that Mason's almost seven and he still calls me mommy, Audrey stopped as soon as she turned five. He was a mommas boy and I was so okay with it.

"I don't know what Jackson has planned for the day, maybe he doesn't even want to hang out with you little stinker."

He giggled, "I'm not a stinker, you are!"

"oh am I?" I grabbed him and tickled his stomach, he let out large laughs and begged for me to stop. I pulled from him "go tell your sister, do you think Bridget will want to come??" I asked and me nodded quickly jumping off the bed. He opened our door and ran to theirs


I knew that wasn't going to turn out well, she hates being rudely woken up but oh well. It will change when she finds out where were going. I first called the school, "hi, this is Taylor Swift, my son Mason Styles is sick with the stomach flu and won't be in today"

"yes, of course Ms. Swift, hopes he feels better soon" she hung up the phone, that was a lot easier than it used to be. It was always how long will they be out, do they have a fever. I think they just got tired of asking all of that...

"stomach flu?" Jackson chuckled, getting out of the bed.

"Hey it's the best I could have come up with in such a short time" I dialed Bridget's number and called her

"hey mom, whats up?" a lot more peppy than last time I talked to her

"want to come to the beach today? Audrey, Mason and I thiiinkkk Jackksonn is going to join..." I looked at Jackson and he nodded "yeah, Jackson is coming."

"uh... Niall was going to have the boys over... since Harry was already, which I don't know how he got here. But I bet Kyle would love to go"

"Tell them to come!"

"Mom are you sure? Do I have to repeat myself that Harry is going to be there"

I smiled at her trying to protect me, "he's going to be around the guys, I don't mind he comes... if this is going to be a family thing I guess our kids should have their father there... right?"

She sighed, "yeah I guess, just don't get all depressed on me when you see him"

"I'm not going to be depressed Bridg, geez. Come over at noon." I hung up and looked over at Jackson "One direction is coming..."

"oh, that's... awesome?" he put on his jeans and I shook my head, going over to the dresser Harry and I shared. I handed him Harry's old board shorts and a t shirt. Thankfully it fit him, size wise they were about the same, he was just a little bit taller. But Harry always bought extra sized clothes just in case he got a 'fat streak'. Don't ask me I don't know.

I put on a red bikini and then jean shorts and a tank top for a cover up. we headed down the stairs, I asked Jackson to pack a cooler and I went up to the kids room. "were really going to the beach?!"

"yeah... is that okay?"

Audrey smiled and nodded, pulling out a swim suit and picking out one for Mason. I'm glad they get along well; I mean they chose to have the same bedroom, and they hardly fight. I'm very thankful for that.

Soon enough Bridget, Kyle, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and....harry... showed up. We packed two cars up and took three. The four boys took Louis' convertible, Bridget, Niall and Kyle took their SUV and the last four of us took my stupid mom van. Harry gave Jackson a few dirty looks when they got here, but what do I care. We divorced for a reason, I can see other people. I don't care if Harry 'still loves me'.

I plugged in my phone and put my sunglasses on, starting the car and starting the line of people behind us. Some Selena Gomez came on and I saw Audrey quietly singing along from the rearview mirror. I turned it up a little louder, watching her smile. Jackson started to sing a long and then Mason and then I slowly joined. It was a little jam session in the car and Audrey smiled ear to ear, something I haven't seen from her in years.

We made it to the beach within an hour but it went by fast from having fun in the car, and hearing Audrey laugh at Jacksons jokes. I'm glad she's starting to like him, because I'm starting to like him myself.

We got to the beach and the kids went for a free for all, finding the perfect spot. We laid out the blankets and made out place in the sand, turning on the stereo Zayn had brought. I put sunscreen on Mason and Audrey ran from me as soon as I got close to her. Harry grabbed her and I put it on her face, she squirmed for seems like ever as I put it on her arms and legs, "Audrey, it's just going to take longer if you keep fighting it"

"dad make her stop"

Harry chuckled and held her tight, I grabbed her cheeks and lastly put some on her nose, "I don't want you to burn honey" she shook her head trying to loosen my grip from her.

I finished and looked up at Harry, quickly turning around and heading over to the blankets. It was extremely awkward just for those two seconds, let alone sitting on the same beach with him for hours.

Jackson put sunscreen on my back and I got his chest, I gave him a kiss after, making sure Harry saw it. Which he did.

I grabbed a volley ball and threw it at Audrey, "show me what you've got it buttercup"

"you really want to play with me?"

"why wouldn't i?"

"you might trip over yourself..." I heard everyone chuckle in the background and I stood up.

We played for a while and she was surprisingly really good, I didn't know how she got that good, but she really was. She stopped and ran over to Jackson, whispering something to him. I don't know what it was but all of a sudden I find the ball being thrown at me and then Jackson sprinting towards me. I tried to run from him but he was too quick

He threw me over his shoulder and I screamed, "put me down!" he just kept jogging towards the water "no! Jackson! No! I haven't swam for almost fifteen years!"

He chuckled "how does that even happen?!"

"I've been too busy!" he ignored me and continued to run. "put me down! You're going to mess up my makeup! And my hair!" I was hoping that could work... but it didn't.

He ran into the water and dumped me under. I got up and pulled him down again with me, we got out of the water and I realized how amazing his body really was. 8 pack, chiseled muscles, tattoo on his left chest. He was really hot. It's like I couldn't even control myself, I grabbed his neck and pulled him close to me. Landing my lips on his.

A force pushed me away and as soon as I open my eyes I see a mop of curls in front of me, but back to me.

Bringing his arm back and hitting Jackson square in the nose.

Hey guys!!! so i will be going on spring break in 3 days, so i dont know if i wll be able to get another chapter in or not... and i probably wont be updating during break because i am going to St. Thomas and its my senior trip! soooo lets just say i'll be out a lot. I hate to leave it with a cliffhanger, but i will try and get another chapter in... if not know i will after the week of spring break,

if you're going somewhere for spring break... where are you going??


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