Chapter 45

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Audrey's POV

I felt better the moment I woke up, my head was on Chris' chest and he was sound asleep. He held me most of the night and when I had to throw up, he was there for me holding my hair or the bucket. His shirt was off and I had a moment to take a look at his tattoos.

Latin is written on his left chest in cursive and the Aztec design on his right arm. I trace over the ink with my finger and I see his eyes flutter open, "Good morning Audrey" his voice is super sexy in the morning.

"What's the Latin mean?"

"Live so that you can love" he looks down at me and chuckles, "admiring?" I nod and push myself off his chest; he grabs me and pulls me back down "no, stay"

"I have to brush my teeth"

"are you feeling better?"


He smiled at me and released me from his grip, allowing me to get up and go to the bathroom. "I went out and got us toothbrushes, and shampoo so you can take a shower if you'd like"

"when did you go out?!"

"when you were passed out" he jokes and I start the water, shutting the door. He was sweet enough to buy me a razor and shaving cream.

I hear the door open, "hey, I'm in here, so just warning you"

Letting the water rush onto my body, I take a moment to relax. I'm feeling good, my stomach doesn't hurt too bad, but I continuously have this feeling clouding over me, and I can't quite grasp it. "what's your middle name?"

"what?" I ask

"yeah, what's your middle name?"

"uh, Paige why do you ask?"

"oh, I thought for some reason your mom would try to pass on her name"

I poke my head out of the curtain and observe what he's doing. Shaving cream covers his face as he slowly draws the razor up around his chin, "no, I mean Audrey Alison just sounded like too much and Audrey Taylor just sounded gross, so Bridget picked my middle name" he nods and looks at me through the mirror

"What's Mason?"

"oh, yeah my dad picked that one out. Mason Harry Styles"

"oh God that sounds so bad"

I chuckled and rinsed the conditioner out of my hair, "I know, I feel so bad for him"

"why not Harold?"

"that's not my dad's name" I turned the shower off and he handed me a towel, "His real name is actually Harry, but wanna know something pretty funny" he mumbles an uhuh and I step out wrapping the towel around my body, making sure he doesn't see anything, "my mom calls him Harold just to piss him off. He hates the name, soooo much."

"no she does not"

"yeah, like every time she's mad at him she screams "Harold!" and then my dad's all like "that's not even my fucking name!'" I mock my dad's accent and I see Chris laugh

"well, my middle name is Edward. So there's that"

"as in my father's name?" he nods and I laugh

"my mom was a directioner"

"no she wasn't"

He laughs again, nodding like crazy, "she wanted to name me Taylor Edward, due to the love of Swift and Styles, but my dad was completely against both so they he said one or the other, and I get stuck with Edward."

A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now