Chapter 67

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Bridget's POV

Niall cleaned up the floor as I helped Lily with her nose and the room was filled with awkward silence and tension.

I'm more or less pissed because he has no say in whether or not I can forgive my mom. He doesn't understand what it's like to have a missing piece of myself because of what Lori did. Yes, I will continue to tell myself that she did kill my father, and yes she did leave me, but if it weren't for her doing that, I wouldn't be where I am today. And hell am I thankful for that.

If I didn't forgive her, I wouldn't be able to move on with being a mother myself. I needed to forgive her so I can be a parent to Kyle and Lily, as silly as that sounds. Since I have, I've gotten closer with both my kids and love life. If only Niall could see this, and even understand it.

"Mommy, why were you and daddy fighting?" Lily sits on the bathroom counter with her head tilted back. Ever since she was little she would have bad nose bleeds. I want to go to a doctor for them, but Niall says she's fine.

"We weren't honey, just having a discussion"

"He seems mad"

"And you're very smart" I smile and pinch her cheeks, "blow your nose" she closes her eyes and blows the rest out before I clean off her face.

"Why is daddy mad"

"Everything is fine, Lily" I smile and help her off the counter, "want to help me make dinner?"

"What are we going to have?" she analyses her options


"I don't really want paghetti"

"What would you like tonight then?" I ask, walking with her back to the playroom, "chicken nuggets?"

"Why don't we ask what Kyle wants" when did she get so sophisticated? I thought she was five, not 60. "Kyle, what do you want for dinner?"

I smile at her when she sits down next to him. My question is when was I blessed with the most amazing children and Taylor was stuck with Audrey and me? shouldn't it have been the other way around?

"Chicken nuggets sound good. Mom, can dad and I go out and play soccer?"

"No sweetheart, it's raining outside" I point towards the window, showing the gloomy Tennessee winter whether.


"Kyle, listen to your mother" Niall speaks and stands up, walking out the room. I follow behind, letting Lily stay in the room with Kyle.

"I need you to sign her papers for the release"

"Excuse me?!" he turns and stops in his tracks, "I'm not signing a single thing for that bitch who ruined your life"

"Can you stop being so selfish?! this is my mom!"

"No, it's Lori were talking about here, not your mom" he turns around and storms to the kitchen, of course I follow. "and it is not selfish to wish the best for my children. I'm sorry but I don't want them stabbed"

"Okay, that one hurt." I follow him again, I wish I weren't so short so I didn't have to run behind his long strides, "but Niall please"

"Please what Bridget!? When are you going to get through your head that your father is dead because of that bitch and then you want her around our children." He opens the freezer and pulls out the chicken nuggets for the kids, "I'm not going to let that happen. I don't even want you seeing her anymore"

"Dear god are you my father or husband"

"Looks like I have to be both"

I roll my eyes, "okay, that one hurt too. But please Niall, she gave birth to me!"

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