Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
Bridget's POV

"okay, all of Lily's bottles are in the fridge, she eats about the same time Kyle would, but she gets more naps. Kyle goes to school from 8:45-3:30, the bus picks him up and drops him off here. All of our cell-phone numbers are here, and the emergency ones-"

"Bridget, please I'm their grandmother, I know everything." Taylor was holding Lily and I dropped my bags by the door.

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I'm just scared" Niall grabbed the rest of the bags and threw it into the car. Kyle was running around, celebrating.

"she's leaving me!" he laughs and Harry grabs him by the waist. His eye was still severely bruised and I'm scared what the teachers at school will say.

We were leaving for the cruise this morning, an hour flight to Florida and the boat leaves from a port there. We go through the Caribbean, and then head back, a five day trip.

"Trust me Bridg, you'll have a great time... even if your son won't miss you." Harry comes over and gives Niall a hug, dropping Kyle in front of me. "Have a great time Ni," he slips something in his pocket and I get a glimpse at the small shiny packet. Oh god

"I won't be needing these" Niall laughs and hands it back. Taylor and I roll our eyes and I bend down to give Kyle a kiss.

"I love you mommy"

Taylor walks up, giving me Lily and I gave her a kiss on her forehead, pushing her little hairs to the side. I wave goodbye to Mason and Audrey behind Taylor. Walking out the door.

"Time for paradise" Niall wraps his arm around my waist, opening the car door for me.

The plane ride went quick, and then getting settled in the room took a little longer than expected. Maybe due to getting acquainted with the bed... Niall calls it breaking it in...

"now that we're familiar to our room, we should head up to the deck for dinner" Niall adds, buttoning up his shirt.

I was picking out an outfit, not quite sure what to wear.

"I like the blue dress" he stands up, pulling it out of the closet for me. "it really shows off your curves perfectly." I grab the dress from him, silently thanking him.

"zip me?" I bring my back to him and he zips, giving me a kiss on my neck. I chuckled, "we should probably eat"

"also known as you..." he gives me a smirk, I missed this joking, and sexual humor. I missed him, and it's only been the first day with him. I'm ready for the week. As much as I love my kids, this is perfect. He unzips my dress quickly and I laugh, pulling away. "oh come one, I could do a round 2." Niall looks down at his pants and my eyes follow.

How does that even happen?? It's only been like a half hour... "zip me back up, we have to leave the cabin at one point..." I give him a half smirk and turn to put my heels on. Niall puts his Nikes on and we head out to the main deck.

There were many restaurants to choose from but Niall directed us to a nicer, Italian place. We sat at a more reserved table in the back with a candle lit setting. He pulls the chair out for me and pushes me back in.

When wine is served, my husband pushes up his drink and smiles at me, "to the one I love, finally alone time together, as much as I love Kyle and Lily, our two beautiful children, I am ready for this week together." He smiles and I click his glass with mine. and then leaning over to kiss me.

"I love you"

"and I love you" he responds.

The dinner arrives and I eat like no other. I think it's been the first meal we haven't had a screaming kid, or thrown food. It's almost, well no, it is perfect. Pure bliss really.

The next day I woke up with Niall with his arms wrapped around my waist. I run my fingers up and down his arm, slowly turning to look at his face. "good morning beautiful" his eyes were still closed, but his lips part a small smile. "shower?"

I kiss his forehead and quickly jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom. I hear his deep chuckle behind me and I try to close the door behind me, not even close to being strong enough; he runs past me and pins me to the wall.

He kisses my neck and I laugh, turning on the water in the process. Niall pulls my shirt over my head and quickly pulls my pants down, "holy shit, eager?" I joke and he rolls his eyes dropping his shorts and jumping into the shower.

"Hurry up babe!" he whines and I chuckle, stepping into the shower.

"I just got my body back though..." I comment, knowing he wants another kid. That's the way he's been coping with Thomas, wanting another kid... And I want one too, but I just need some time I guess.

"I like everything about you, pregnant body or not..." he smiles, giving me another kiss. Still doesn't sway me.

After washing his hair and my body, I get out and wrap a towel around me, heading to our room and grabbing my phone. I just needed to know how they were doing.

"Hey sweetheart! How's the trip going?" Her voice was cheery, so it had to be going good...right?

"it's great, were stopping at Cozumel first, and I think that's today." I hear crying on the other side and I have a mini heart attack, "is everything okay there?"

"huh?" she pauses and then corrects herself "oh yeah, Mason just bit his tongue eating breakfast. Your kids have been great" she chuckles "makes me realize how crazy mine can be."

"I have nothing to wear!!!!" I hear Audrey scream in the background, "everything I own is ugly!"

"teenage girls" she chuckles "gotta love them" more movement comes from the other side, "I buy her everything she needs, yet it's not enough....any ways, go have fun on your trip. You deserve it Bridg. I'll keep you updated" with that the line ends.

We went upstairs and sat on the lawn chairs, watching the water move under us. When the boat stops at the port we spend the day shopping around and taking pictures of everything around. We spend the last amount of the day sitting on the beach. Niall is a one to not be able to sit down, so while he was out swimming, I read my book. The Fault in our Stars. I've read this many times before, but the story is so beautiful, I can't not stop reading it.

I'm enjoying my time with my beautiful blue eyed husband, and it's only day two.

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