Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Bridg, honey wake up, we've got to get to the doctors in twenty minutes" Niall shook me awake and I turned over looking at him. He had a cup of coffee in one hand and my glasses in the other. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to get out of my warm and comfortable bed. "Taylors up and she's going to watch Kyle until we get back. Hurry up though, we have to get moving." He handing me the objects and walked out of the room.

I looked at the clock 8:42, why was it so early? I felt like I just went to bed... anyway, I got up and washed my face with cold water to help me get moving faster. I put my glasses on; too lazy to put contacts in and changed. After getting ready I headed out of our room with coffee cup in hand, walking over to Taylor "hey, thanks again for watching him, we will be home in a little bit"

"of course sweetheart, what are moms for?" she let out a half laugh and gave me a hug, I gave Kyle a quick hug since Niall was pushing me to get out of the house.

Today was a nerve racking day, we get to see if the baby is there, and it will be the last ultrasound where we're at high risk for a miscarriage and then see the full formation of the baby, which I'm excited for. We were already sitting in the waiting room for the doctor. Niall picked up one of the People magazines and started reading, "it's official, Harry and Taylor have split up." he choked out a laugh and showed me the picture of the article. I chuckled and the door opened "Bridget Horan"

Niall stood up and held his arm out for me to grab and pull up. We headed into the room and I sat on the very uncomfortable chair while Niall sat on the normal chair. The nurse took my blood pressure, heart beat you know the usual stuff. Then came in Dr. Gringer all happy and smiley "well Bridget, how are we doing today?"

"tell you the truth I am really tired, but other than that everything is good"

"good, good. Congrats on your awards last night, my wife and I watched you. love it." He sat down on his spiny chair and wheeled over to me, "alright, lets see how things are going okay?" I nodded and lifted my shirt up a tad "and of course, this is going to be cold." He warned and then instantly placed the cold substance on my stomach. I took a sharp breath in and relaxed, Niall and the doctor chuckled, but in reality they don't even know or understand.

He moved the cord around for a little and typed things on his computer, looking back and smiling at me, "Bridget, I don't know why I didn't catch this until now...." He paused, looking at the screen again and squinting "but..." I felt the suspension was going to kill me, just spit it out! "you're going to be having twins"

"twins!?!" Niall and I said in unison, his was more excited expression and mine was more scared, he nodded and smiled again. Twins?! I'm going to have twins, that means I'm going to be carrying around two people in me, I'm going to have to push two babies out of me, and I thought one was painful enough.

"congratulations Bridg, in the next couple months we will be able to tell the sex of the babies, but until then, I will have the pictures printed for you to put on the fridge or whatever" he chuckled and headed out of the room

"were having twins babe!" Niall got up and gave me a hug. I guess I was still in shock, but I was happy. I know I was happy, just after they get out of me. But until then I have a feeling they are going to be weighing me down. "oh also Bridg, not implying anything but it doesn't hurt to keep exercising during the pregnancy to keep both of them healthy. We recommend it to every mother that are expecting twins." The doctor quickly popped his head in and then back out, leaving me with Niall.

As I sat in my 'zone' time flew by, leaving me on the couch with Taylor and Audrey. "mom, when is dad picking us up?"

"he said around 7, its only 6:30, go pack your stuff and we will wait okay?" Taylor responded and Audrey quickly went to the guest room where they have been staying. I'm not exactly sure why Taylor stayed the whole day with us, but I didn't mind it one bit. "mom we need to take you out" I said looking over at Taylor

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