Chapter 41

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Audrey's POV

It's been a month since I was grounded, and it's been, well okay. I haven't had a phone for a month or I haven't even logged onto my Twitter or Instagram since. I have seen Carter daily, but not the way I want to. I just get to see him, sitting in his desk, staring at me, telling me sweet nothings into my ear and not being able to do anything kills me every single day.

I told him I couldn't sneak around with him because I had the feeling my dad would catch on, and I'm not ready for another lash out. And for my fathers and I's situation, it gets worse every day. I don't think it will be getting better anytime soon.

Anything I can do to not be around him, I do it. I don't think we've had a sane conversation or hell even a conversation since everything happened.

"Audrey, you have to go pick your brother up from his friends." My mom comes in and knocks on my doorway and I turn in my bed, looking at the clock; 9:07 a.m.

"can't he be picked up later?"

"no, he wants to come home."

"tell him he's a pussy" I shove my head into my pillow

"it's time to get up anyway" she leaves the room and I groan, getting out of bed. "Audrey! Now!" my mom whines again. For that relationship standpoint, we're okay. Obviously way better than my father and I

With rushed time, I change into shorts and a shirt, putting my glasses on. I hate my glasses, with an absolute passion. When my mom and I went to the eye doctor they had told me my eyesight was really bad, which I had presumed when we went there in the first place. But when Carter had called to pick me up for a date, I left my mom to pick out my frames and contacts for me. She was very nice when I came to my contacts, but as my frames came along, she picked out the biggest, ugliest frames you could get. And now I'm stuck with these ugly ass things for two more years.

I head downstairs and my dad is making breakfast for my mom and I just grab my keys, heading out the door, "he's at Jacobs!"

Why do I have to pick him up? Can't he like walk home or something or even have one of my parents pick him up? Sometimes I feel that a license is more of a burden than a freedom.

I honk my horn when I arrive in the driveway, not allowing people to see the ugliness of the glasses. "thanks for picking me up"

"well, I didn't have a choice" I put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway.

"Did dad tell you that him and mom are going over to Bridget's tonight and you have to watch me" Mason mentions and I look over at him for a moment.

"I haven't talked to dad in a while, so no" I take my left into the neighborhood, thinking about the things I could do since they aren't home... but how to contact them? No fucking clue.

Mason runs out of the car when I put it in park at home. I slowly walk in behind him, hanging the keys on the rack and sitting on the couch. Maybe I could text Bethany through Mason's phone, if he even has her number. Or maybe just out of chance Carter wanted to sneak in.

Yeah right, like that would happen. I told him I couldn't see him and that I really meant it. Looks like I'm riding solo tonight, yet again.

"Audrey, I need you to empty the dishwasher and clean the kitchen."

"why didn't you do it after you created the mess?"

"don't you dare speak to your mother like that." my dad snaps and I ignore easily. "Do what you are told"

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