Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After Taylor told me the story of the last fight they had before Harry left, and when she brought Audrey over to me; I got her out of the tub and got her dress. She was sobering up finally and I sat her on the bed, going into Masons room and grabbing Kyle. Thankfully there wasn't anything too small in his room so I trusted him, "mommy!" he reached his arms up and I grabbed him.

We walked over to Taylors room to see her wrapped in her comforter on the bed, I put Kyle down and he climbed over to Taylor and she pulled him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "what can I do mom? let me do something"

She shook her head, "you can't change what her mind once it's made."

"Taylor she's not going to hate you forever, just work on relating with her"

"I can't relate with her if she won't let me" she sighed, closing her eyes.

"come on, I'm not leaving you home alone. Get up"

"nooo Bridget I am so comfortable" I grabbed Kyle from her arms and she reluctantly followed behind. We got in the car and I drove back home. I put the keys on the table "hey babe I'm home"

Taylor was behind me with Kyle in her arms and she put him down so he could run to Niall. He picked him up and walked over to me, "Audrey's in her room, hasn't said anything since you've left" I smiled and gave him a kiss, "I'll go talk to her" I put my purse down and let Taylor hang out with Niall while I went over to her room

"can I come in?" I sat in the doorway when she looked up at me from her phone, "I don't really want you to..."

I smiled "I wish life worked that way..." I walked in sitting on her bed, "tell me about yourself Audrey"

"huh?" she put an eyebrow up in confusion

"I don't know anything about you... what do you like to do?"

She sat and thought for a moment, "I really like art..."

I smiled, happy that she at least told me something "what about it? What draws you to it?"

"um... I really like the way a photograph can portray at specific time or a specific place... and how you can feel the mood from the way it was set up. Or like graffiti on a bridge, it's just so... so street. You know? Like its free and someone tells their story on a wall that people just find as trash. But what it really is, is a beautiful piece of work"

I nodded, not fully understanding... but trying my best. I wasn't an art person, I had a tough time seeing the deepness of a photo. "what else"

"I love volleyball"

"yeah?" she nodded and continued "I also like to hike..."

"alright get up." I stood up and grabbed her hand. "what are you doing?"

"get your shoes on. We're going out" she didn't ask any other questions, putting her shoes on and walking out in the living room with me. "what is she doing here?" she pointed at Taylor and Taylor stood up.

"She was home alone... she's staying here until Harry gets home. come on" I grabbed her arm so we didn't have a fight starting

"wait, wheres dad?"

Taylor looked down, "uhm, he left a few days ago. Just to go on a trip with Mason, he'll be home. I promise"

"we can talk more when we get home..." I pulled Audrey once again, getting into my car. I drove to the gym and walked in with Audrey, "what are we doing here?"

I threw a volleyball at her, "mom may be the most unathletic person you will ever meet. But thankfully, your sister played basketball for ten years and loves to run" she chuckled and took her sweatshirt off. Unfortunately she still had her cast on... but I guess it will just help her hit it harder.

A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now