Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Bridget's POV
4 months later

Summer time is a bliss. Not because its warm because its constantly warm here in Nashville and not because Kyle was out of school because he wasn't even in school yet... but it was the sun stays out longer, hair gets blonder, songs get better, drinks get colder, and people are just... well, happy.

My baby bump has become prominent and Kyles already four. Audrey's turning 12 in September, and Harry and Taylor are back together.

With the due date approaching, Niall has been paining the room and getting the furniture ready. It was unbelievable by the end of this month; we will have two more kids adding to this family, and not just two kids, but Lilly and Thomas. Lilly Mae and Thomas James. We picked out the names when we found out the sex two months ago. One girl one boy, and that's just what Niall wanted; two boys and a girl. I was just happy I was having a girl.

The July air brushed my face as I walked, well waddled to our back porch, handing Niall a beer and a lemonade for myself. He was sitting looking up at the sky. "beautiful night isn't it?" he says, taking the beer from me, keeping his head up

"calming." I sit next to him and grab his hand, "Kyle's asleep, the dishes are done, laundry's drying. It is a good night" I half laughed

"can I do that shit next time? God, you're nine months pregnant and you still are constantly moving." He chuckles kissing my hand

"just fold the clothes, and I will be set for life"


I smile back at him and stand, well, attempt to stand "let me help" he grabs my arms and pulls me up.

"this fucking stomach, I swear"

"I swear they'll be out of you within the next two weeks."

"yeah yeah, I've heard it all before. I'm going to bed though babe, I love you"

"I love you" he gives me a kiss and helps me to the stairs and I make myself down. Just my luck before I sleep, Taylor calls "hi babs!"

"Hi mom..."

"well you don't sound happy" he laughs on the other end

"I am about to sleep"

"ah come on party pooper, come on over, Harry and I were just about to go to karaoke night at blue bird"

I looked at my watch, well it was only eight... "I don't have a babysitter."

"how about I come over, I'll bring Audrey and Mason, they can watch Kyle. I mean he's only sleeping right?"

"yeah, but I mean Audrey is still pretty young"

She sighs, "when did you become a mom?"

"well, ever since Niall--"

"that was a rhetorical question, I didn't need to know..." she laughs and Harry says something in the background but I couldn't make it out. "Harry says get you're pregnant ass up and sing with us."

"Taylor I-"

"excuse me I'm mom to you." she laughs again "I'm kidding, but uhm were on our way! Get Niall ready."

The line ends and I groan, getting out of my room and walking back up the small stairs to our porch, "were going out. Mothers order"

"Taylor and Harry drunk again?"

"I hope not too much, they're driving over here" he chuckles and gets up, helping me back inside and to the living room. You would think that, 'oh she's just pregnant she doesn't need help' well that's a lie. Because I am twice as pregnant as the next girl and I am hardcore struggling right now.

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