Chapter 44

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Taylor's POV

Audrey ran out of Bridget's house and sped off on the moped the boy was driving. I quickly ran back into the house and attempted to grab my keys, "No, mom you've been drinking. You can't drive"

"Bridget, this isn't the time to be a good daughter, I need to go get Audrey"

"I'm not letting you drive! Let me go get my keys" she puts Lily down and runs into her room.

I really hope she doesn't do anything dumb. Things weren't supposed to come out that way, Harry and I were not going to get another divorce. I just needed time to cool off and figure things out. He slapped my daughter, I had and have every right to be mad at him and want to cool off here at Bridget's, drinking a few glasses of wine or so. "Bridget, please hurry up!"

Lily runs in the room behind her mom, "shit, Lily" I hear moving about, "Niall, can you please come in here!"

He gets up and runs into their room, "Bridget! Please!"

"Lily spit up some shit! Give me a second!"

I'm never going to make it to my house. This is bull shit; I want to know where my daughter is going. She was pissed and I mean I don't blame her, she's been through hell and back with Harry, leaving her with nothing each day and she's done really well the past month. "Bridget!"

"okay! I'm coming!" she came from her room with Lily in her hands and Niall was behind her with a towel in hand. Bridget handed her to Niall and she spit up again, causing Kyle to laugh and her and Bridget to roll her eyes. "I'm sorry Niall, I'll be back to help with her" he just nods and I grab Bridget's hand, dragging her out the door.

She started the car up and pulled out the driveway, "please hurry"

"I'm not going to speed mom"

"you know Audrey, and I'm scared she's too mad to take it back"

"mom, you're over exaggerating, she's not going to run away or anything. She's just mad, I was mad at you plenty times" she chuckles and pulls onto the highway. Cars are bumper to bumper and the traffic seems to stretch for miles.

"get off the highway, take the back ways"

"I'm already on, I'll just take the next exit and then go from there" I groaned and rested my head on the back of the seat, "It will be fine Tay"

We finally make it to the house and I run in, seeing Harry passed out on the couch and Mason sitting next to him, "where's Audrey?"

"I don't know. She left with the guy."

"What?! Where did she go Mason?" He stood and shrugged, walking into the kitchen, "Mason!"

"mom, I don't know. She came in and packed a backpack, telling me to tell you she was at Bethany's or grandma Andreas" he comes back with a soda and sits back down next to his father

"and you didn't stop her?!"

"Why would I? She was committed and there was no way to stop her anyway"

I walk over to the couch and shake Harry awake, "how long have you been out!?" he shakes his head and rubs his face to wake himself. "Harry!"

"I don't know!"

"god! Why don't you guys know anything in this damn house?"

I run up to Audrey's room, skipping one step at a time. Her room is the same as I saw a day ago, clothes scattered across the floor, her books were neatly stacked on her desk and her bed was all kinds of messed up; restless sleeping.

A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora