Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Bridget's POV

"you're ready"

Taylor stood and ran out the door to get Niall. He ran in grabbing my hand, Taylor stayed out with Harry and the kids.

"oh god" I screamed In pain. The familiar feeling comes back to me, even though I don't want it.

"push for ten seconds. Niall will help you count" the doctor speaks to me kindly but I'm in too much pain to be nice. I squeeze Nialls hand and he counts out from ten.

I take a deep breath and push again. Niall says sweet nothings to me as I push, nothing I really even care about. I'd rather get these kids out.

"one more push, I see a head" I gave one last push and I hear a scream of a baby, "'she's a girl" the nurse takes Lily and the doctor asks me to push once more.

I do and I feel the pain start to settle. But I only hear one scream of a baby. I look at Nialls eyes, they're cold and the color is drained from his eyes and face. Why is there only one baby crying? "Niall??"

He tighten his grip around my hand, kissing me on the forehead, "I love you"

"Niall, why is there only one baby crying"

He ignores me and looks at the doctor, I couldn't see from my legs in my way. I watch as a nurse runs around the room, and then bringing both cradle like things out of the room. "Niall! please, please talk to me"

He doesn't say a word, just putting his head in my chest. "Niall..." I croak, worried about what I was going to hear.

The doctor walks back in with despair on his face. "Mrs. Horan."

"no, no don't, no"

He puts his head down, "you're boy didn't make it."

Niall grabs me tight and I felt the tears stream down my face, "no, it-it can't be... you're lying"

"I'll give you guys some time alone. Your mother is with the girl. As you named Lily" he walks away and I grab Nialls neck, bringing him to me. He sobbed into my chest and I ran my hands though his hair.

My son, our son. He's...he's not here. He's gone. He won't be able to take his first steps, his first words. Niall won't be able to teach him how to ride a bike; I won't be able to teach him how to bake. Or he won't have his first kiss, or I won't be able to meet his girlfriend. Or be at his wedding. His pure little life was just torn from him without even knowing it.

As I held Niall, I cried. I cried and cried with him. He pulled from my grip and his blue eyes were blood shot and his color was still drained from his face. Taylor came in with Lily in her arm and gave me a weak smile. "I'm sorry Bridg"

I grabbed Lily from Taylor and hold her tight. Despite the loss of our child, I plastered a fake smile on my face, looking at my little girl. She had pale blue eyes, a button nose, and dark peach fuzz. She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

Harry came in with a large grin, followed by the littles. "Hey!!! Congratula ....uh" he spots only one baby in my arm and his smiles drops.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell him" Taylor shyly responds.

Kyles jumps up on the bed "can I hold her?"

I smile, "yep, come here" I position myself so he can lay next to me with my arm around him. "okay, now you have to hold her head"

He nods and I take one of his hands and put it on her head and the other, under her body, "wow, I can't believe I have my own little sister" Everyone chuckles at his adorableness and he pokes her in the cheeks softly. "she's so small"

"you were that small when you were born, can you believe it?" Niall says and strokes Kyle's hair. He looks up at Niall and smiles "I don't believe it daddy" we chuckle again and the nurses come in, taking Lily away for her to rest and I guess for me to rest too. Part of me was still crushed, I wanted my son in my arms too. I wanted him with me, I wanted Kyle to hold him as well and poke his cheeks.

"it will get better sweetheart, I know it's tough" Taylor tries to comfort me and kisses my forehead.


1 year later

A year has passed and I was getting Kyle ready for school. He was now 5 and off to his first day of kindergarten and Lily was a year old. The loss of Thomas still is in our thoughts everyday but as Niall says, thing happen for a reason, and Thomas is in a great place.

Tonight was Audrey's 13th birthday and she was throwing a party. Thankfully over the year she has made some friends that were good for her, other than her friend Bethany whose always been around.

The bus showed up at the stop and I put the backpack on Kyle, "I'll be right here when you get off the bus okay bud?" he nods, smiling "have a great first day"

"I love you mommy"

It was hard to watch him so easily get on the bus. It was the first time I've had him away from me all day by force. Why do kids have to go to school? why can't he just hang out with me all day?

I walk back in and Niall was teaching Lily how to walk. She had her arms held up by Niall and was taking a step forward. She was giggling and he was smiling, cheering her on. "aw, daddy daughter bonding."

"hey, you had a mother and son moment out on the porch, let me have this" he sarcastically remarks. I sit on the other side of the rug and hold my arms out for Lily, she takes a step forward and falls to her butt "oh my god! Do we count that as a walk!?!" Niall cheers

"no, it has to be two steps. Remember Kyle?"

He sighs, "you have to be a buzzkill don't ya babe"

"all day every day"

He chuckles and puts Lily in her jump along, coming over and sitting next to me. "what do we do all day?" I ask

"I mean, I have an idea..." he pulls my legs to bring me closer to him and I giggle. I straddled his lap and played with the back of his hair

"Our daughter does have ears"

"ah, she can't comprehend" he smiles and pulls me into a kiss.

It's been a while since Niall and I have done anything to show our affection. Maybe a few kisses here and there but I haven't been touched by him in almost two years. It's tough when you have two kids and a mother who doesn't leave you alone. So really I blame Taylor at the end of all of this.

Oh and for her, Harry and her got remarried, and are actually doing better than they ever have before. Niall thinks it's because their having more sex since the kids are older. I just think it's because they are actually older, more mature human beings.

Niall stands as I keep my legs attached to his waist. But I pull away, "I can't, we can't. I mean she's still up. wait until she's at least sleeping"

He drops me slightly and claps his hands together "Alright Lily, time for a nap"

I laugh and hit his shoulder lightly "it's only eight in the morning, dummy"

"oh I'm the dummy?"

I nodded, knowing what was to come ahead. He gave me a smirk and I turned quickly running from him, he chased after me "I'm no dummy!" his lingering accent filled the house as I ran up our stairs over running back down the other side.

He grabbed my waist and swung me on the his side, carrying me down the rest of the stairs. "damn me for being so light"

He chuckles at my comment.

Taylor comes barging into the door "where's my beautiful granddaughter!"

Well, good thing we didn't have sex.

She looks at Niall and I and shakes her head, "I swear you two have never actually gown up"

Niall put me down and he lifted my shirt up for me, I pointed at my tattoo "never grow up!" we sang in unison and she laughed


Hey guys, short chapter sorry! I'm running out of ideas, so its taking longer for me to update. So I'm sorry bout that! hope you enjoy it!

A Little Too Late (Third book to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum