Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Kyle came over and jumped on the bed until I opened my eyes, "hey buddy, come here" I wrapped him under my arm and tickled him; the room filled with his laughs. "how did you get in here silly?!"

"Audrey woke me up!"

"intentionally or unintentionally?"

He laughed "I don't know what that means mommy" I rolled his eyes at his goofiness and mine for thinking my kid already know what big words mean. "I just hear loud things and then I woke up! But I got bored so I came in here"

Right now my biggest question was how does he know how to open doors? He hardly was able to reach them let alone open them, "I taught him last week..." Niall rolled over and put his head on my shoulder, "good morning Kyle"

"hi daddy! What's wrong with Audrey... why is she here?"

"Wait you taught him how to open doors but you don't want to potty train him!?"

He chuckled and rolled off the bed, "it's not really my thing babe" he put the 'my thing' in air quotes, and then grabbing Kyle from my arms. "what do you want for breakfast?!"

"CANDY!" he jumped in Niall's arms and I shook my head, "no! you don't need that kind of sugar in the morning"

"daddy use to when you were away on trips" Niall quickly shushed him and looked back at me, I looked at him with disbelief. A year after Kyle was born I acted in 22 jump street, one of the main characters at the college and then the movie Neighbors. So I was traveling a lot, leaving Niall to take care of him and obviously giving candy in the morning. I just ignored it and got out of bed with them, going into the kitchen.

Audrey was sitting there on her phone, "good morning Audrey" she looked up at me and then back down at her phone, "excuse me, but what is more important than greeting your sister in the morning?"

"literally everything."

"just because mom lets you walk all over her doesn't mean I'm going to let you. now give me the phone" Niall made breakfast around us, trying not to get in the way.

"no. you don't have control over me."

"oh I don't? okay. Go on... out of this house." I pointed towards the door, she looked at it and then back at me, handing me her phone. "now, why did you get into another fight?"

She looked down at her hand and cast, "it was a dare" mumbling under her breath

"a dare!? You got suspended for a dare?! Unbelievable Audrey."

"you got shipped away too because of a dare! So don't sit there and think you're a saint Bridget!" she raised her voice at me

"that was a completely different situation and you can't keep taking everything I've done and hold it against me"

She rolled her eyes "oh yeah? What was so different about it? Huh? You had an excuse to do it because you were drunk or how about because you blame it on your past. Oh I've got a good one maybe it was you just being a whorelike normal"

"Audrey Paige" I snapped

"if I'm wrong please elaborate!" she sat there for a moment, waiting for me to respond. And for some reason I couldn't respond, I was frozen "that's what I thought." She got off her chair and walked away

"don't you dare walk away from this conversation Audrey."

She put her arms up, "I already did Bridget!" and before I could say anything else she slammed her door shut.

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