Chapter 47

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Audrey's POV

The next day I had to go back to school. Chris would but his face is still really fucked up. I put my ugly uniform back on and Mason knock on my doorframe, "welcome home sis" I chuckle and walk over to him, wrapping him in a big hug, "we all missed you"

I wiped the tear from my cheek and turned back around, "you ready for school?"

"I mean I guess I can be" he laughs and we walk down the stairs. "is that Chris?"

"oh yeah, mom didn't fill you in?" I ask and he shakes his head, "right, um Chris is our half-brother, dad hates that I ruined his career, well and he hates that mom kept me. Uhmm dad is going to move out and hopes that they divorce"

We walk into the kitchen and mom is sitting there, holding a bottle of wine and a carton of ice cream in front of her. She looks like she didn't sleep all night. When she sees us she stiffens up and looks at us, "good morning, can I make you guys some breakfast? I could start some pancakes up"

"I'm sorry mom, were kind of running late, plus I'm not really hungry"

She looks down and nods, "right, okay. Well you look great, and have a good day at school" our mom kisses us on the forehead and goes back to her room, bringing the wine bottle with her.

"is mom going to be okay?" Mason looks at me and I nod, grabbing the keys from the counter.

I walk over to Chris and give him a little shake, "Mason and I are going to school, I'll be home right after and we can get you some more meds okay?" he nods and closes his eyes, "my mom's in her room, I don't know what her plans are for the day"

I grab my backpack and follow Mason to my car, getting in a heading to school. I have a feeling it's going to be a weird day... I mean I did go missing for five days and not a single person knew where I was... I just don't want to draw attention to myself.

"Oh my god! Audrey! You're home!" Bethany comes running over to me and practically pushes me over. Everyone in the hallway looks over at me and I know that's my sign that my wish won't be coming true. "Where have you been?! Do you know how many times your mom came over in hopes that you stopped by at one point?"

"it's a really long story Beth, but can we talk about this later? Everyone is staring at me"

"Of course they're staring at you! Everyone knows you fucking disappeared." The warning bell rings and we go to our class. Our teacher freaks out when she sees me and pulls me into the hall

"I know people are going to do this to you all day, so I'm going to make it quick. We are all so happy you're home and I know your mother was very worried about you. I have all of your makeup work that I can give to you at the end of the day, but since it's Friday, you don't have to worry about getting anything to me just yet. Just enjoy your day back." She gives me a hug and we go back into the classroom.

I sit in my normal seat and Carter leans forward, handing me a note. I look back at him and he just smiles, leaning back in his seat. When I open up the note its simple 'meet me at my locker after class' Class begins and I try to keep up as much as I can, I really missed a lot.

Carter puts his feet on the back of my desk and I roll my eyes. He knows that the one thing that aggravates me the most; and he starts to shake his leg, making me shake in my desk. Every time the teacher turns back around he stops, and begins when she turns back to the chalkboard.

"Does anyone hear that?" Our teacher was older, Mrs. Shakleberry. I feel bad just because of her last name, but we tend to make fun of her a lot. She is hard of hearing and her eye sight isn't the best.

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