Chapter 39

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Audrey's POV

He stands and looks at me, "W-what are you doing here Carter?"

"Um can, can I talk to you alone?" he walks up to me

I look at my parents behind him "I'm not aloud to."

"Oh." He looks back at them and then at me, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry about today. And, um I'm sorry for thinking this was all about me. Now I know that I was just so damn dumb. I'm sor-god I just" he continues to stumble over his words and bounce on his heels "shit I'm sorry. I had everything in my head and, and then I saw you and it's gone."

He pats his sides and pulls out a white sheet of paper, "I had a feeling it would happen. So, I um, I wrote you a note. Well it's more of a letter cause it's pretty long. And I have some of your stuff in my car. I'm gonna go get it."

Running out of the house he goes to his car. Without a thought I go up stairs and grab a few of his things. His sweatshirt, well all of them. I've started a pile of all the ones I've taken from him. I grabbed a few of the pictures I've taken of him, his football jersey I wear to school on game days, I put them in a small box and bring it downstairs.

This seemed like a horrible soap opera, the boy is forced to say goodbye and the parents have to watch the whole thing go down.

He stands at the door with a bag of my things, filled to the brim. I know most of it was stuff I left there, but some has to do with the things I loved enough to give to him.

I hand him his bag and he grabs the football jersey, pulling it over my head. Ironically his number was 13... I out my arms through and the bottom falls to my knees.

"It looks better on you anyways." He hands me the box of my stuff and I ignore it, dropping it to the floor and I wrap my hands around his neck. I stand on my tiptoes and nuzzle my face into neck.

"I'm so sorry Carter"

"It's okay" he holds my waist and I feel tears stream down my cheeks. When he pulls away he wipes my face and turns to leave.

The door closes and I turn to look at my parents. They stand next to the couch and Mason is sitting on his phone. I grab the bag and place the letter inside, running up to my room. "I wish I had a door to slam in your faces!!!"

Throwing the bag at my wall, I grab my photography stuff, chucking it at the ground "I hate you!" the more I throw, the more anger becomes prominent. "You guys suck ass!"

My mom runs in and holds my arms "get off of me! I hate you!"

I try to get out of her grip but she holds me tight, "it's okay to hate me. Just don't do anything you'll regret" she looks down at the cameras that were broken across the floor.

My anger has turned into distress as I turned in her arms, bawling into her chest. "I hate what you do to me."

"I know. I'm sorry"

"I just want to be alone." She nods and let's go of me, walking out of my room. I weakly walk to my bed, falling upon it and opening up the letter.

Dear Audrey,

They say love at first sight is a myth, and I say I was in love before. But as soon as you walked into my store, my heart fluttered the way it has never been before. I knew that I had just seen the love of my life. Maybe were to young to have a tragic love story, but so were Romeo and Juliet. Though that is a tragic ending, and I wouldn't actually want to kill myself, I would die for you. As soon as you agreed to let me help you pick out a pair of shoes for volleyball, I knew not to take my opportunity for granted.
You were beautiful, even with your brown hair up in a pony and practice uniform on, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I don't know why I hadn't seen you in school before, but hell it was the end of the year and summer was approaching. I had thought we might just be a summer romance but as I gave myself to you and you gave yourself to me, there was no going back from the love hole I had dug too deep.
I know this breakup wasn't a choice and that makes things so much harder, and I will make sure not to keep in contact anymore.
I blame myself, if I wouldn't have pushed you, you wouldn't have gotten in trouble and as I write this I think of what you said and that this isn't about me and I won't make it. But I love you, and that's all I know at this moment. I wish I could fight for you, and hell if I weren't do afraid of your father I would.
If you ever need me, ever. Don't be afraid to give me a call, when you get a phone.
I'll be around.

Your love,
Carter Jay Simpson.

Sorry! it's kind of short and I realize that haha but I'll make next one better! I LOVE the comments guys! keep it up

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