Chapter 3

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Kylie's POV

The vine had already gotten 80.56K likes and 46.7K revines. I was going through my notifications when I saw something strange. The name "Taylor Caniff" had popped up on the long list of notifications. I clicked on the link that brought me to his profile. I scrolled past the numerous vines he had made at his Magcon today, and my name ended up somewhere. I stopped my rapid scrolling and stopped at the video.

"Fun at Walmart today with Laila"

In subscripts, it said:

"Revined by Taylor Caniff."

I stopped frozen- I couldn't move. Suddenly, I screamed. My little three year old brother ran in.

"What's wong Kywee?" He asked.

"Nothing, James." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Do you need a James Hug Kywee?" He asked, staring up at me, wearing nothing but his pull-ups. I couldn't resist the little boys cuteness.

"Sure, James." I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"Back to Bawney!" He said running to the family room. Didn't that Barney guy get arrested for hiding weed in his tail? Oh well.

My phone lit up.

"@CameronDallas mentioned you in a tweet." WHAT? I opened up my Twitter and read the tweet.

"@CameronDallas: Lol! @kyliegiles last vine has me tearing up!give a follow on all social media! Glad @taylorcaniff and @Nashgrier showed me this funny vine!"

I was so happy! I hadn't been this happy ever. My phone lit up again.

"Vine: 500+ new followers."

Then again.

"Vine:1000+ new followers."

Then a last time.

"Vine: 10000+ new followers."

Same happened with Instagram.

Then Twitter.

Then shots.

Then Facebook.

I had reached 6.2 MILLION followers combining Vine and Twitter.

All was going well.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 1 a.m. Wow. Laila and I had a lot of plans the next day, so I decided to get some sleep. Before I went to bed I decided to reply to Cameron.

"Lol thx @CameronDallas glad you enjoyed the Vine! More coming soon. Turns out the guy was our PE coach😂😱😁."

I turned off my phone, and went to sleep.


Next morning


Laila called me.

"Hey come over!" She said.

"Be right there! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

I hung up and got dressed in leggings, a white t-shirt, and my JC Caylen sweatshirt I got last Christmas. Laila lived two minutes away from me, so I just walked to her house. Laila's parents greeted me at the door. They had a HUGE three-story house- actually I call it a mansion. It was the most beautiful house ever.

"Welcome, Kylie!" Her mom said with a smile on her face.

"I can't believe that Laila is now 18!" Her father exclaimed.

"Come on in, Kylie! It's a joy to have you here." Her mom said, motioning inside of the house.

I had been inside that house hundreds of times, but it never ceases to amaze me when I walk in.

Laila was sitting at the table, surrounded by about 20 bags. I sat down, placing two wrapped gifts on the table. Laila waited for her parents to sit down.

We didn't know opening one present would change our lives.

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