Chapter 22

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A/N: so this is going to sound insane, but this is how Im going to update. I know where I wanna go and you guys will be shocked at stuff, but im going to put my music on shuffle and whatever comes on will be the mood for the story. So I'll be right back.

(Two minutes later)

Ok so the song is Don't Forget Where You Belong by One Direction (the husbands). So the song is now on repeat and I will only be writing with this song on.This is going to be a huge update, mostly in Cameron's POV. Ok ENJOY MY LITTLE MAGCULTS!!


Cams POV


We finally arrived back at the hotel just in time. We were relieved because we were paid less if we were late. Nash was back to his senses but he wasn't 100%. The VIP hangout was about to start so we rushed backstage. Chad was back there, but we weren't quite sure why. He was usually helping out at the Merchandise table.

"You guys are here early. You still have thirty minutes." Bart told us.

We were confused, but that gave us time to prepare and eat, most importantly. I decided to go back to the hotel room to grab a quick shower.

I started heading out the door, but Chad stopped me and brought me to a room.

I saw Hayes, Nash, and Carter sitting down at a table. There were two empty seats- one for me, one for Chad. I took my seat.

"What's going on?" I asked.

The boys shrugged their shoulders, clueless.

"Okay. This might be hard. Prepare yourselves." Chad said.

We were confused, but eager to hear what Chad would tell us.

"Alright. As you know, we tried to make a deal with Magcon over money a few weeks back." We all nodded our heads.

"Well, you guys didn't hear the answer we got back two weeks ago, did you?" Chad asked.

"Nope." Nash said, popping the P. We all laughed.

"Well..." Chad gulped,"They said that you guys were worth what you were making and they won't give you a raise. We also brought up Bart overpricing merchandise and tickets. He didn't budge at all." Chad said.

We were shocked. We were worried about what would come next.

"I have made a decision as your manager... to withdraw you from Magcon. This is your last event." Chad said looking down.

"WHAT? NO!" Carter yelled. "I have so many friends here! I can't just leave them! Matt and I already made plans for the next Magcon! This isn't fair!"

"Wh-what? This can't happen. This is my family." I said.

"DAD! THIS IS A HUGE PART OF MY LIFE! YOU CAN'T JUST RIP IT AWAY FROM ME!" Nash yelled. Tears were already streaming down everyone's faces.

"This better be a fucking joke." Hayes yelled.

"HAYES! You do NOT talk to me like that!" Chad scolded.

"It's okay. I yelled." Hayes spat.

"Look, you all have better opportunities now. You'll be able to meet fans more often. You'll get a better paycheck."

"I care about family more than I care about money." I said.

"I know it doesn't seem amazing right now, but please just trust me on this." Chad said. "You aren't the only ones leaving. Shawn's leaving, too.

"Not permanently! He already told us after going on tour, he's coming straight back!" Carter said.

"Please, trust me."


We ended up working out all the details. Bart already knew. We signed our contracts to renew our 26MGMT contract and got our final Magcon paycheck.

This was our last Magcon and we had to make it count.

"Show time." Nick said, popping his head in.

We weren't supposed to tell any of the boys yet.

We gathered in our circle and did our build up.

"AHHHHH 123456!" Taylor screamed.

"FAMILYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" We yelled.

"DO IT FOR SHAWN!" Matt yelled. He was tearing up as he engulfed Shawn in a hug. It was Shawn's last Magcon, too.

We ran out on stage. No matter what was happening, we had to make amazing memories today. It may even be the last time all 12 of us were in a room together. I wiped the thought out of my head.

Do it for Family.

Do it for Fans.

That was who I was doing it for.

• • •

That was part 1/3. This is about to get really crazy!!!

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