Chapter 37

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Kylie's POV

After a delayed two hour flight with no wifi, the plane finally landed in the airport. I walked to the luggage pickup to get my suitcase. I waited about twenty minutes and it still wasn't there.

I walked up to the guest services desk.

"Hello. I can't seem to find my bag." I told the lady at the desk.

"What did it look like?" She asked in a monotone voice, not looking up from her nails that were being filed.

I described it to her.

"It's pink and has blue zebra stripes. It's about three feet tall." I said.

She looked right past me.

"It looks like bandana boy has it." She said pointing a long ass finger at him. "And I think those are tiger stripes."

I nodded at her and rolled my eyes at the last comment. Sure enough, there was Taylor with Sam, Dillon, and Aaron in a circle surrounded by security guards.

I snuck behind Taylor silently motioned Aaron and Sam to stay quiet.

I put my hands over his eyes as he jumped when my cold hands made contact with his warm cheeks.

He turned around quickly and smiled.

"Hey sweetie."


"Hey Tay." I said as he grabbed my head and kissed my forehead. He was still a good three inches taller than me.

"You know I would have been able to see you about half an hour ago if you told me that you had my bag." I said, fake pouting.

"Well I wouldn't have surprised you." He said rolling his eyes.

Matt had just got off his flight. He walked over with his neon green suitcase.

He had his plain gray sweatshirt on with his hood on with blue sunglasses to seclude the bags under his eyes. He plopped down in the chair next to Dillon.

"What's wrong bro?" Sam asked.

"Got stuck in between two fans. Let's just say after they 'fought' over me, they took about five hundred pictures. Each. Got no sleep or relaxation time." Matt said groggily.

We left him alone to get a few minutes of rest before Jack and Jack got back.

"Laila's already at the hotel." Taylor said.

"Laila's here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Matt flew her here. I guess she wanted to surprise you." Taylor said.

"That's so sweet of him." I said, smiling.

Matt really loved Laila. A lot. I hope I can experience a love like theirs.

The screaming of fans grew. That was the cue. Jack and Jack had gotten here. The security escorted us out to the Range Rover Sport that picked us up from events. We piled into the car and the driver sped us off. We were already checked in so we headed up to our rooms.

I opened the door and Laila was on the couch watching something.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked.

"Because I didn't know until an hour before my flight last night. And then I wanted to surprise you." She said, eyes glued to the television.

It was E! news. I sat down next to her and watched.

"So that's the scoop. Justin Bieber tatted his left arm up with a full black and white sleeve. Next, we have a few special guests! Stay tuned!" The blonde dismissed the show to commercials.

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