Chapter 28

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Kylie's POV


I opened my eyes to see it was three in the morning. Taylor was in the bed with me smirking at me.

"Ready for round 2?" He asked, biting my neck.

It felt amazing. But I was dating Cameron.

I looked at the floor to see my shirt and pants. Taylor was pulling his boxers.

I just had sex with Taylor Michael Caniff.

I pushed him off me and he fell on the floor.

"What the hell was that for?" He slurred.

He stood up and stretched, then got back under the covers.

I scrambled to get my clothes on and freshen up. I needed to get back to the hotel.

I looked in the mirror to see a trail of bite marks that started at the top of my neck. I didn't want to see where it ended.

I was screwed.

I just lost my virginity.

To a viner.

I didn't have time to process everything. I walked out if the bedroom. I walked into the living room to find Cameron wide awake watching TV.

He looked over and saw me.

"I trusted you, Kylie." He scoffed with a clenched jaw.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You just slept with him. You were making out with him in the hot tub."

"No! You don't understand!"

"Yes, I do. You prefer him, rather than me." He told me.

"He took advantage of me! I was drunk and I didn't know what was happening! I still don't know what happened last night, but I know it was a big mistake!" I yelled.

"Remember when I told you I wouldn't let go?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Well, I kept that promise." He stood up. He got closer to me and started pointing at me. "YOU LET ME GO!" He yelled viciously.

"You're scaring me Cam..."


I started crying and ran out.

Nash walked out.

"I heard it all. He'll come around eventually. Trust me." Nash assured me, rubbing my back.

"I just want to go back to the hotel. And ice so I won't be reminded of those damn hickeys Taylor gave me. I swear I would never to that. He took advantage of me."

"I know. Let's get you back." Nash took my hand and brought me to the car.

We got to the hotel and got some ice. The ice instantly relieved the burning sensation on my neck.

I said goodbye to a Nash and went to my room.

Laila was up on her bed, scrolling through something on her phone. I ignored it and went to bed.

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Next Day

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Matts POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling.


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