Chapter 26

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Taylor's POV

The security guy would not shut up. He didn't even know who we were.

"Why did you want to start a riot?" He asked, in an angry tone.

"For the eighth time- WE DIDNT WANT TO!! Do you even know who we are?" Dillon asked.

"No. And it doesn't matter to me. You two are both just little teenage dirtbags." He told us with conviction in his voice.

"That's a good song." I said smirking at Dillon.

"What?!" The security guy asked.

"Teenage dirtbag? The song? No? You know it goes

'But she doesn't know who I am, and she doesn't give a damn about me 'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby listen to Iron Maiden baby with me.'?" Dillon sang.


"I'll sing more of it." I just wanted an excuse to cuss at him.

"Her boyfriend's a dick and he brings a gun to school and he'd simply kick my ass if he knew the truth he lives on my block and drives an Iroc but he doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me."

"Nope." The security guard said.

"Her boyfriend and this guy's got something in common." Dillon whispered in my ear.

Finally, Bart came through the door. First time I was happy to see him.

"What the hell did you guys do now?!" Bart buried his head in his hands.

"Who are you?" The guard asked.


"Bordelon. Okay. So Mr. Taylor Caniff and Mr. Dillon Rupp were attempting to start a riot." The guy explained incorrectly.

"What?!" Bart yelled.

"Ok... no. We were signing shirts and stuff." Dillon said, obviously irritated.

"I told you guys not to. I knew something like this would happen." Bart told us.

"No, you didn't." I said.

"Yes, I did Taylor. You have been so contradictory lately!" Bart told me.

"Okay, mother." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm serious. A fan could have been seriously injured. This is not a joking matter, Taylor, so stop acting like it is!"

"No. All you care about is the sales. The cash. The money. You don't give a damn about the fans or any of us. That's why they left! That's why they left to go with-" Crap. I let it slip.

Dillon looked at me confused.

"How'd you know?" Bart asked. "Did they tell you?" He asked.

"No." I gulped.

"DID YOU EAVESDROP?!" Bart yelled.

"I called Hayes to see if he wanted to do something with Aaron and I and he had put it on speaker on accident. I heard the whole meeting." I lied.

I had totally eavesdropped.

"Okay. Back to the talk. You put so many girls in danger! What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking to give all of those girls the opportunity to do something for free. To get what they couldn't get because they didn't have $180." I told him. "You're in it for the money. And I'm sick of it. I'm DONE with it."

Dillon and I got up and stormed out.

"All teenage sons are like that. Especially stepsons. Don't worry." The guard assured Bart.

"That's the thing- Taylor's not my son."

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Haha I like that or this comment which one is better.


Cameron's POV


Taylor and Dillon had finally showed up at Olive Garden. We had a large table. No adults, just us.

Me, Kylie, Nash, Kaleigh, Shawn, Brittney, Matt, Laila, Carter, Katie, Jack G, some girl named Gabi, Jack J, Sam, Taylor, Dillon, Aaron, Hayes, Jacob, Willie, and Mahogany.

After we had our breadsticks and salad, Nash stood up.

"We have an announcement to make." He told the table. He waited until everyone quieted down. "Okay. Get ready. Cam?"

I stood up. "As of tomorrow... stand up when I say you're name... Me, Nash, Hayes, Carter, and I guess Shawn... well... we will no longer be attending Magcon."

We watched as everyone's smile quickly faded into a frown.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

"They are my brothers?"

"Is this a joke?"

"What's happening?"


"I knew about Shawn, but..."

"The fans!"

"How do we tell them?"

Confusion spread down the table as all I could do was watch. I felt like this was my fault. That the reason all this was falling apart was because of me.

Because of me... the failure named Cameron Alexander Dallas.

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