Chapter 8

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Kylie's POV

Taylor grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. He gently squeezed my hand to a beat. We walked onto the elevator and he went to a corner. He leaned back and pulled me in backwards and hugged me from the back.

"I've waited two years for you. Now, you're finally mine." I whispered in his ear.

"I've known you for 1 hour. I don't think I've ever let myself fall so hard for someone before, to be honest." He said.

Cameron was staring.

"Why is Cam staring?" I asked Taylor. He was staring, not at US but at Taylor. He looked mad.

"He's jealous of what we have. He's never had a real relationship with any girl outside of his family. Don't worry I'll.... Talk... to him before we go to the beach." Taylor said, glaring at Cameron.


Cams POV


He was going to break her heart. He was never committed. I didn't know I was staring. The elevator stopped. All the boys got off. Taylor whispered something in Kylie's ear, and she nodded and walked off. I started walking off, but Taylor stopped me.

"Your not getting in the way of me and Kylie's relationship are you?" He asked.

"Shut up, git. You aren't gonna treat her right. I will." I retorted.

"I was afraid of that." Taylor said. "Bathroom. Now." He ordered.

What was he gonna do? Fight me?

I followed him. He grabbed my shirt and threw me on the ground. He locked the door.

"You may like her." He kicked me in the stomach. "But she doesn't... scratch that... WONT like you. Ever. Just stay outta this." Taylor said.

I got up. "Dude, I don't want to ruin our friendship over a girl. I mean, we're stuck together for another year, at least, on Magcon. We've got 3 days with her. May the best man win." I said sticking my hand out.

"Fine. Sorry bout the kickin... that was outta hand." Taylor said shaking my hand.

I could tell he was pissed off.

"You are a douche bag though, git." I said laughing.

Taylor took off his bandana and started hitting me with it. He chased me out the hotel laughing. We caught up to Kylie while he was whipping me.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" She asked.

"I dunno. Let's go." Taylor said running ahead.


Kylie's POV


Taylor and I laid our towels down and tried to avoid some crazy fans. We went out in the water with the one surfboard he had rented earlier.

"You know how to surf? Or..."

"Well, sorta." I said. I really didn't, but, you know.

"Come on! That's not an answer!" He said splashing water in my face.

I laughed.

"Fine. No." I said.



"I'll teach you." Taylor said.

He hoisted me up on the board with no effort at all.

"Wow, Caniff. That's a whole 124 pounds to pick up."

"That's nothing. Don't even pretend like your overweight. You are actually probably underweight. You're perfect to me, no matter how much you weigh." He said, smiling.

"Your going to get your bandana wet, Taylor." I said, realizing he hadn't taken it off.

"What makes you think I'm the one that's going to crash and get wet?" He asked, with a sense of cockiness.

"Well... I don't know about crashing, but..." I splashed him continuously in the face.

"Agh!" He yelled and he swallowed the bitter salt water. He grabbed me and pulled me into the water.

"You're goin down with me!" He yelled. Several dolphins were swimming in the distance.

"TAYLOR!!!" Fans screamed as they spotted them.

"Um... I gotta go. I'll be back soon." Taylor said, walking to the shore.

I spotted Cameron and swam in his direction.

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