Chapter 29

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Kylie's POV

We started walking down the shore, the water just reaching our feet as we walked. We were trying to find a good place to do something like a game. We stopped when we saw a volleyball net. Sam ran up to it.

"Let's play volleyball!"

We were about to start the game. We started creating teams, but we needed Matt. Teams were 7-8. We looked for him, but couldn't find him anywhere. We asked Carter if he had seen him.

"Yeah. He was here. But he saw something on his phone or something. I don't really know. He looked pretty distraught. He was crying and sprinted to the hotel."

"You sure?" Nash asked.

"He kicked sand in my face- I'm pretty sure I remember." Carter said.

We all laughed, but we were interrupted by sirens. We looked over to see a speeding ambulance speeding towards the hotel.

We knew things were serious.

We ran as fast as we could to the hotel. We had to sneak past a large group of fans. We arrived in the hallway of our rooms. We stopped looking around when we heard a scream. We ran into the room where the scream came from to find Matt hugging Laila in tears that he couldn't control. He was biting his lip and rocking back and forth.

Laila was sitting in a pool of blood from her arms.

She tried again.

She tried to kill herself again.

I ran to her, hugging her so tightly.

She was almost unconscious. She was loosing blood fast.

Matt got up and walked over to Carter, shaking.

"Sh-she almost..." he cried furiously, "she almost kil..." he fell into Carter's arms and dropped to the floor.

The boys were comforting Matt while the medics came in. They put Laila on the stretcher and rushed her downstairs.

The fans were confused. They had no clue what was happening.

"MOVE!" The medic screamed as the large group separated frantically.

The medic team put her in the ambulance they had parked in front of the hotel.

Matt and I got in the ambulance and drove off.

They had her on life support.

"W-why?" Matt asked.

"The hate. It got harder everyday and no one noticed. So no one would notice when I left." She said.

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