Chapter 14

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Cameron's POV

I didn't like what just happen. I didn't want to remember it. Yeah. I did. And I knew the perfect way too.

I walked over to the drink table.

"CARTER!"I yelled. Carter was handling the drink stand thing.

"What do you want Aaron." He said, obviously intoxicated.

"Mix me up something!" I yelled over the music. "EXTRA SHOT OF ALCOHOL!!" I yelled.

"THERE YOU GO CAM!" Kian yelled. He had two beers in his hand.

"Love this stufffffffff!!!!!" JC yelled, Margarita in his hand. Almost everybody was drunk.

"OOH! TURN UP!" Kian said. He had probably found some sort of drug, based on the smoke in the air.

Carter was making some sort of concoction, mixing a Sangria mix in some whiskey and scotch. He then took a bottle of Smirnoff Ice and mixed some of it into the red Solo cup Carter was putting the drink into.

"DONE!" Carter exclaimed, proud of what he had just created.

He handed me the cup and winked.

I snatched the cup from him and downed it. The alcohol tingled in my throat, leaving a dull stinging in my mouth. But that wasn't enough. I wanted more. I needed more. They say laughter is the best medicine, or is that sleep? I don't remember. My brain wasn't functioning. It was in Party mode. Anyways, I think alcohol is the best medicine.

I walked over to the cooler and grabbed the rest of the Smirnoff. I chugged that and 2 Heinekens. I couldn't stop laughing. Mahogany started mixing some cool songs so I started dancing. Then, I blacked out.




I woke up on my bed in the hotel room. It was a crazy party. I started getting tired at 3 in the morning. Kylie had left at around 11. I think her and Cameron got in a fight. I'm not quite sure. Speaking if Cameron, he was a party animal. He was drinking like crazy last night. He was dancing all night with anybody that would let him. He ended up passing out at like 2:30. The party went on until 4. I didn't drink, so me and about 4 other people are the only ones who remember anything. Hayes wasn't allowed to go to the party. He was really pissed off. He would have been so lost if he had came. I swear someone was smoking something. I think it was Kian or Ricky. They were going crazy last night, too. JC had even brought Wishbone to the party. Connor and Trevor had a contest to see who could get wasted faster. Connor won, but they both passed out.

I was really hungry and Matt had paid for our fridge to be stocked up with fruit, soda, and other snacks. I walked out the room to see Matt on the couch, asleep. He was so cute when he slept. He was curled up in a little ball and his hair was down and was all messy. I walked over to him. I gently rubbed his shoulder.

"Morning, Matt. How'd you sleep on that stiff couch?" I asked, smiling down at him.

"Well," he said sitting up,"it was uncomfortable... until you got here." He smiled. "Cheesy. Sorry babe."

"It's okay." I said laughing. "Hey, Magcon VIP exclusive hangout in a few hours!" I reminded him.

"Oh! Yeah. Hey, sorry I slept here. I walked you over here but passed out on the couch." He said.

I was at the fridge getting some food out.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Come here first." Matt said.

"What?" I said, laughing.

"I need a good morning kiss!"

I walked over to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in.

"Good morning, beautiful." Matt whispered.

He kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Laila." He spoke softly.

"I love you too." I replied.


Cameron's POV


We couldn't wake Taylor up.

"HES NOT WAKING UP!" Nash yelled.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?!" I yelled back.

"Holy sh-"

"BARTS COMING OVER!" Aaron yelled.


"And we're all hung over...." Carter said, in the bathroom. He was currently puking.

I already had several rounds of that. So had Nash, Gilinsky, Johnson, and Taylor would if he woke up. I screwed up.

"We're all screwed." I muttered.

"I guess we could say Taylor's... drunk in love." Hayes laughed.

"I thought we told you to stay in your room!" Nash yelled, pushing Hayes outside.

We all sat in the living room and shut the bedroom door.

Bart came bursting in.

He saw all the trash on the ground.

"I thought I told you guys NO parties!" He yelled.

"Yeah. But we found some alcoh- we didn't find anything." Shawn said, slapping his forehead.

"Wait... where's Taylor?" He asked.

"Um..." nobody answered.

"I asked a question." Bart said.

"Bedroom." Aaron muttered

"AARON? WHY DID YOU TELL?" Carter yelled.

Bart went in.

"HOW MUCH DID YOU DRINK?" He yelled, the smell of alcohol hitting him.

Then he saw a Taylor.

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