4| Not alone

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Chapter 4: Not alone



AZITA HAD LONG brown hair and dark cocoa eyes. I looked like a troll compared to her. That's me being nice to myself. We walked to class together and suddenly..I realised that I wasn't alone. I smiled to myself. I haven't smiled in years. There was never anything to smile about.

Smiling was just a facade, pretending you're okay. And it works, but that doesn't mean I liked smiling. I still don't but it's a reflex, I can't just not smile.

Azita actually didn't live too far from me which was lucky, so we started walking to our houses. " So Mercy, how's this school for you?" She asks.
" The drama is unreal, and I hate it, but to be fair who the hell likes school anyway?" I laugh.
" Yeah I've only been here for a day and I know what you mean,"

Then Tessa and her little gang come along.


" Hey new girl!" Lisa chirps, acting if nothing suspicious is going on.
" You're hanging out with her?" Tessa sneers, flicking her perfectly waved blonde hair behind her, and applying like five layers of lipgloss.
" Do you have a problem with that?" Azita asks, looking right into Tessa's eyes. "

"Well, now we have 2 losers in the school," Tessa said while laughing.
" Speak for yourself, you're acting like the biggest bitches in the world. Not a good look hun. Unless you want animal control chasing after you. Oh and look at the time! It's 4! The zoo wants you back at 5," Azita laughs.

Since I'm me, I just laughed internally and stayed behind. If I really was able to speak my mind, I would be on fire.

I expected Tessa and Pheobe to retaliate. Instead they just walk away, knowing they couldn't think of any better comebacks.

" Oh and by the way is that what you call fashion?! You look like 2006 just threw up on you!" Azita shouts after them.

Thank God she just said what I've been thinking.

" Wow...thanks," I say, watching them strut off and get picked up by supposedly their boyfriends.

Did they literally follow us to say that?

" They got what they deserved," She smirks. " Come on, let's keep going,"

We walked back in a comfortable silence, just appreciating our surroundings and giving the occasional small talk. It wasn't something I'd experienced before, but it certainly made me feel better.

Azita's house was nearer than mine, so I watched her go inside, and headed back to my...hell.

The door is slightly ajar, so I open the door and head in. I walk into the living room and look for Savannah.

In case you're wondering how we can afford this place, Savannah isn't just a drug addict and alcoholic, she's a drug seller as well. That's another reason why I hate living here. The house I'm living is made up of all the people Savannah's killing.

I find Savannah on the floor with a couple of broken bottles and needles all over the floor.

I sigh and head upstairs to finish whatever homework I have, after all there's no way I'm going out. Savannah will be extremely angry. And that's putting it mildly.

So I'm editing

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So I'm editing. Great. Like I'm re reading all of this and I'm laughing at how bad it is. To be fair, me re writing it is still gonna be bad, because I wrote this only two years ago, but I'll be more satisfied.

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