June 4 , 1962

867 19 2

The sun shines brightly over my closed eyelids, I roll to the side trying to fight back the urge of completely waking up. A sigh of defeat left my lips when I wasn't able to fall asleep.

I shoot up in alarm realizing that today was the last day of school, and it was already past nine in the morning. The blanket pools around my body before its torn from me by mom. She claps her hands around to emphasize, "Wake up Jacqueline pack everything, we are leaving in an hour" my head drops to the side in a questioning manner.

I watch as she strides out my room and down the hall, "Mom what did you say?" her answer was muffled. With a shrug I head into the restroom and brush my teeth, I brush my curls in a strained attempt to tame them.

A blue and white striped shirt tucked into my shorts, a holding it around my waist, and some black PF flyers is what I wore to go to school or so I thought was were I was going.

The rubber underneath my shoes made a quiet tap sound as I made my way downstairs. Everything was either placed in boxes or being carried outside the house. Hell broke loose when Mrs.Smalls gaze landed on me, "Jacqueline Estefania Smalls I already told you once to pack all your stuff we are leaving in less than an hour".

She shoved me up the first two steps, I ran upstairs only to see my bed packed and being carried downstairs. Clothes were thrown into my red suitcase, a groan slipped past my lips seeing that they unfolded all the clothes before shoving them into the suitcase.

I watched as my mom told people where and how to move things into the U-Haul, she twirled around and caught my gaze. "Bill got a better job we'll get there in around twelve hours" momentarily her attention was on me but then she turned around to shout at a man who dropped her favorite vase.

Utterly annoyed at their juvenile ways, they had the option to tell us that we were moving but chose not to because apparently it doesn't affect us any way or circumstance.

"What the hell where are we moving? California?" She gave me an astonished look, but her face quickly changed to rage. "Actually we are and watch your language missy! Now go pack up," I sighed heading back to my room.

Bill had packed all my baseball stuff, he always found an excuse to have his hands on my baseball equipment although he had his own mine was way better.

A baseball and a mitt were my choice for entertainment during the long drive we were about to make. I bumped my shoulder into Scott as a greeting, he bumped me back and climbed into the backseat of the car.

Following after him I took a seat, I tossed the ball up as high as I could without hitting the roof, which wasn't that high. Soon after Bill and our mom climbed aboard.

Changes were good, but right now I disliked this one, new home, new town, new friends and new enemies. Sleep took over my system, I drifted off hearing the soft voices of The Drifters playing from the radio.

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