June 13, 1962 12:27 a.m.

356 11 0

I tossed and turned I couldn't sleep on this uncomfortable floor. I lift myself up and pick up my stuff. I tiptoe my way out.

I finally made it out of the basement now to get quietly into my room. I was about to pass by the kitchen when a light flicked on.

I looked at my mom in shock. "Oh it's just you" I whispered while looking at the stairs. "Where are you headed young lady?" Questioned my mom.

"Mmm bed isn't it obvious" I groaned when I realized she wanted me to go back to the basement. "Fine" I said while stomping my foot softly.

"No I mean why are you up?" She questioned once again. "Can't sleep on the uncomfortable floor" I said while running upstairs to my room.
I jumped in my bed and slowly fell asleep.


I peered from underneath my covers to see a figure walking into my room.

1:05 a.m. Read the clock. The dark figure walked around my bed and slowly crawled into my bed. Probably Scott, but why wouldn't he go to his room.

Whoever the intruder is was now asleep. Soft snores escaped their lips. They sounded adorable.

I once again drifted to sleep with the intruder asleep to my left.
An arm took a hold of my waist. Panic rushed in, but then I calmed down when I remembered the intruder was there. I tried pulling his arm off but it wouldn't budge.

The intruder groaned and pulled me closer to him. Ok it isn't Scott he's to small. Not Ham, don't even have to explain. Yeah-Yeah is with Jazmin. Jazmin is with Yeah-Yeah. Timmy and Tommy are heavy sleepers. Squints is to weak. DeNunez is sound asleep on one of the couches in the basement. Bertram is too tall, this intruder is a little shorter but taller than me.

It's Benny. I began to shove him so I could be set free. He groaned and pulled me closer if possible. I got tired so I gave up and fell asleep.
I couldn't breath. I shoved who ever was holding me tight. A low groan escaped the intruders lips I mean Benny's lips.

"Morning" mumbled Benny with a husky voice. I stood up from my comfortable bed. I looked at him like he was crazy because it was five in the afternoon.

"Why....Why did you date Veronica? Why didn't you stop her from leaving? Why are you in my bed? Why did you invite Philips?" I questioned knowing all the answers hoping they where the correct ones.

"I dated her because I don't know. I didn't stop her from leaving because she and I broke up. I couldn't sleep. I invited him cause I knew he would get rid of Veronica." He answered every question but it wasn't enough.

I gave him a stern look, "The truth" I demanded.

"To make yo-someone jealous. I don't like her. I like it when we 'cuddle'. And to annoy you" he answered while blushing when he said cuddle.

I pecked his cheek and ran out the room. "Tease" mumbled Benny before he jumped of the bed and ran after me.

I was at the kitchen getting muffins for everyone when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I looked back at Benny and pecked his cheek once again and ran to the basement with the tray that contained the muffins.

I walked down the stairs, and stopped in front of them. Benny rested his head on my shoulder while hugging me from behind."Muffins" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone's head snapped up. While Benny flinched, oops probably made his ears bleed.

Soon enough everyone got their muffins. Benny was giving me a piggy-back ride while I was giggling like a maniac.

Jazmin smirked, she leaned in and whispered something in Yeah-Yeah's ear and they started laughing while pointing at us.

Soon everyone started to leave.
Benny pecked my cheek before walking out the door.

"Sooooo" Jazmin started. I knew where this conversation was going, "Sooooo what?" I said while raising my eyebrow.

"Tell me all about it" she squealed.
After telling her what had happened I sighed in happiness and laid in my bed.

"When are you going back home?" I questioned. "It's not that I want you to leave like ever but just wanted to know" I rushed trying to correct myself.

"Lets go to sleep tomorrow's a big day" mumbled Jazmin while avoiding my question. I decided not to argue, even though it was only eight.

"Nighty night" I mumbled happily.

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