July 5, 1962

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I had never been a big fan of the attic, even before we moved in. Numerous slanting roof lines provided dozens of opportunities to hit your head on a sloping ceiling.

Unfinished wood floorboards and areas patched with prickly plywood were unfriendly to bare feet. Summer turned the attic into an inferno.

Moreover, there generally was nothing up there but dust and wasps, mom wasn't a die-hard not-collector and so everything unused was forced upon neighbors or Goodwill.

There was really no reason to visit the attic. Until now.

I climbed up the latter, Jazmin right behind me, and Squints right above me. He farted on my face, making me loss balance, I laughed. "Why are boys so disgusting" I groan earning a pout from Benny who was looking down at us. The intoxicating smell spreading like wild fire.

I climbed quickly right after he was inside. Jazmin was finally in and we all stared around the attic. Not really full nor empty.

"It should be somewhere obvious but not so obvious" I said heading to the front looking above boxes for the signature red envelope.

Everyone spread out looking on their own.
I was now a sweating mess, and still no letter found. I headed to the window propping my elbows on it.

My left elbow slipping due to, a red envelope. "I Found it" I said catching everyone off guard. "So it was pretty obvious" I mumble thinking about my statement from earlier.

We all climbed down and headed to my room. Everyone took a spot on my bed. I hung my legs of the bed. I tore the envelope open, first reading it to myself.

Stay away from Benny Or I'll kill you Don't worry If I don't finish the job someone else will, toodles.
June 6, 1967

"Stay away from Benny Or I'll kill you
If I don't finish the job someone else will, toodles anonymous. June 6, 1967"  I read. "We gotta turn that in, before that sick bastard comes back" Benny said.

After giving the last piece of evidence to the police, they began a search for Mr.Stanley.

"He could be dumb enough to hide in his house" Yeah-Yeah said. "What do you think happened to Veronica?" Scott asked, I sigh, feeling horrible for her.

"I feel bad for her, who knows where she's right now. It's sad that her mom forced her to attract Benny to her, it's sad that Philips helped. And it's sick that her dad pursued her mom with this sick, obsession" I said receiving some nods in agreements.

"Who wants to play some ball?" I ask trying to lift up the mood. Everyone suddenly looking more alive agreed.

"C'mon DeNunez" Jazmin shouted acting like a pro, DeNunez rolled the ball in his hand ready to throw his famous heater. I reached towards the cooler, to get some POP.

I look at the caps searching for the name, I pull up the bottle that read
The Jet. I open it and began chugging it down, DeNunez pitches. She stares intently at the ball.

Jazmin hits a homer, Yeah-Yeah shouts as everyone stares shocked. She runs the bases quickly, I choke up on the soda and spit it out. Soon all attention is on me, I began laughing at the mess. "Surprised huh" She said getting her own POP from the cooler.

"I wanna hit" I said grinning pulling Jazmin out, "but you have to pitch" I said from home. "Okay" she shouted smirking. I concentrated on hitting the ball, I gave her a slight nod signaling her to pitch.

I ran to the bases laughing at Jazmin , "What a surprise" she says walking toward the cooler to retrieve her POP.

"Why'd you take my POP" Benny whined, "Aren't you adorable" I said, now sanding in front of him. "Please don't kiss" Bertram said grossed out. Benny pecked my cheek, "Ewwww" Squints screeched.

"Let's head home" Timmy said,
"Let's head home" Tommy repeated. We all nodded and began walking back to our houses. The group thinned out, soon enough it was just Jazmin, Scott, Benny and me.

"Bye Guys" Benny says walking into his house, "Bye" we all say in sync. "So school" Jazmin said from the bed, I let out a loud groan, making myself clear. "It won't be that bad, now that you have your thunder buddy" she said smiling.

"What troubles will this year hold for us, oh magical wizard Jazmin?" I said, she began shaking her head clear disappointment. She stared at me, "A whooping if you do that again" she mumbled laughing, not being able to stay serious.

"I can't believe this, it feels like s dream" She  said awaiting for me to continue. "I can't believe that we, the uglies got the hotties" I said putting on some pajamas.

"We look kinda good, attractive even, but I have to admit those two are hotties" she said laughing. "I wish this summer would never end" She mumbled.

"I wish to have a decent life, in the future" I said tossing my clothes into the closet. "Oh so you are going to be rowdy for now?" She teased, I nodded playing along, with her dirty thoughts.

"I had this nightmare" She starts, "Clowns or Midgets?" I ask smiling, the cheekiest smile ever. "Both" she said grinning. "Oh I'm intrigued" I said climbing on the bed.

"Imagine, tiny Tommy dressed as a clown chasing you" Jazmin said looking ahead, as if it replayed in front of her eyes. "Very intriguing" I said yawning.

"Goodnight my little teletubbie" I mumbled half awake. "Those are creepy" she mumbled laughing.

"They're like ten feet tall" she mumbled, "and don't even get me started on the sun baby" she said turning around.

"Now that's a nightmare I want to hear about" I whispered. I tightened my blanket around my body, "That baby makes my day" I whisper. A small laugh escapes Jazmin's lips.

I sigh happy slowly drifting away. "Goodnight thunder buddy" she whispered.

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