August 31, 1962

316 13 6

This is going to be a smutty chapter, so if your life isn't about that, skip.

I groan, deciding whether if I should go pee or stay in bed with Benny. Trying to successfully pull his arms off me, I sigh realizing his grip was lethal. "Stay" Benny mumbled from his spot on the bed.

"I need to pee" I whine, his grip loosens, I jump out of the bed and speed to the restroom.

I walk over to the bed where Benny is sound asleep, I shake him awake. "What?" He asks his voice muffled by the pillow. "I need practice on my batting skills" I say smirking.

He shoots up and races to get clothes, I slightly laugh before getting into new clothes. I put on a white tank top with one of Benny's jersey, and some shorts.

"Okay" Benny says, putting me into the perfect stance. "Here we go" he shouts from the pitchers mound, he throws the ball.

Everything slows down, crack
I smile, not completely satisfied, "You could do better" Benny said placing his hands on my hips, to reposition my stance.

I slightly push against him, a groan producing from his lips. Making my face turn red, I slowly pull away, scared that I had hurt him. "Let's head home" Benny says coughing awkwardly and pulling me away.

"Wait, what about batting?" I ask looking back at the sandlot, "Let's watch a movie" he says speeding up.

Once inside his home he locks the door and heads to the couch, I drop the bat and baseball by the entrance. I turn on the tv and go make some popcorn.

I pull out the bag of popcorn and pour them on a bowl, I inhale the buttery smell of the popcorn, walking back to the living room.

Benny laid in the couch with a blanket over him, I climb leaving the popcorn on the carpet nearby.

The movie began, I let my hand touch around trying to find the popcorn. I pull my arm a little to far out, making me almost fall off the couch. But luckily I push my my body back, regaining my safety on the couch.

I feel something poking at my thigh, I flush red again with embarrassment. Benny grabs my waist and turns me around to face him.

He leans in, beginning to attack my lips. He bites down on my lower lip, making me gasp, he takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

He pulls away painfully slow, he stands up with me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist, he slowly leans in to kiss me again. He walks up the stairs, not breaking the kiss.

He walks into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. He heads to the bed, gently setting me down, standing in between my legs.

"I love you Benny" I whispered the words against his skin. He leaned down to rest his forehead against mine and sighed in contentment. He pressed his lips on mine and shared a slow, sensual kiss.

He pulled away but not far, our lips were still practically touching.
"I love you too" I could feel his lips moving over mine and the feeling made me giggle.

When I looked into his eyes, what I saw made me gasp. His normally soft brown eyes were near black with lust and it sent a shiver down my spine.

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