June 19, 1962

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I lift my head up rubbing it, it hurt like a bitch. "Mom?" I whispered looking around the white room. I stood up from the bed looking down at a white gown. I walked outside the room seeing my mom talking to a nurse.

She turns around, when she sees me she quickly stands up running up to me. Hugging me tightly, "Why am I here?" I ask looking at my moms soft brown eyes.

"You were food poisoned" she said holding my face. "Can we leave?" I ask looking at the nurse, who nods. "I'll sign her out" my mom said, signing some papers.

The drive back home was silent. "Who do you think did it?" My mom asked, once we were inside. "I dunno" I said. Clearly I knew it was either Philips or Veronica.

"Take a shower, the guys and Jazmin are waiting for you at the Sandlot" my mom said walking into the kitchen.
"Mom how long was I out?" I asked. "Three days" she said going back to cooking. I went straight to the shower.

After taking a shower I put on a black shirt with one of Benny's jersey. With my PF Flyers. I looked around for my necklace, I opened my drawer an envelope rested under my necklace, written on it For: Jacqueline Smalls.

I tore it open, it read:

But this is just a warning.
Even thought you survived.
No one will know you got this.
Not even Benny.
You should watch your back.

"Mom!" I shouted. "Never mind" I said looking back down at the letter. I laughed when I read their not so subtle message, it read Benny on the side. So it is Veronica.

I placed the letter back into my drawer, putting on my necklace. I ran down the stairs, "Bye Ma" I said before running out the door.
I ran towards the Sandlot, seeing Benny climbing on top of some junk near the green fence.

I neared them, "Benny?" I asked looking up at him. "Jacqueline!" He shouted once he saw me. They all ran towards me hugging me. I teared up, "Why are you going to cry" Benny said holding me. I chocked up, "Tommy is stepping on my foot" I said laughing.

He quickly got off. "Sorry" he mumbled. "It's alright" I mumbled. "So what were you doing Benny?" I asked once he let go. "Nothing. Really" he said climbing up the junk.

I quickly caught on, "Benny you don't have to do this" I said getting closer. "Yes I do Smalls. I have to" he said referring to both me and Scott. Benny turns from us swallowing hard. He swings himself onto the top of the fence and balances- deciding.

Benny turns one last time. Giving Scotty a thumbs up, he turns to me and smiles. He plunges into the badlands.

After what seems forever, Benny vaults over the fence. He lands on his back, he quickly stands up. As a great shadow envelopes us, "Oh Shit!" Benny and I shout. The gang turn into stone. Benny takes off.

The Beast tears by us after Benny. The two vanish out of the sandlot. "What're we waitin' for?! Let's go after em'!" Scotty says.

We run around every obstacle possible. We end up in a random street, no sign of Benny. We search through all the confusion, we've lost Benny. Suddenly doubling back on us.

Benny shoots by, "Sandlot! Sandlot!" He shouts. Benny's gone. Seconds later, The Beast follows. "This way! Shortcut!" Squints shouts, running another way. We all follow.

We were waiting by the fence gasping for breath. And then unbelievably Benny and The Beast were coming right at us. They race across the sandlot.

Benny just runs. He lurches a step, Rip his jersey is partially ripped. "Look out!" Benny shouts. He jumps over the fence. The Beast jumps after him, then the unspeakable happens.

The fence comes down breaking the barrier to the sandlot. Dust flies everywhere. Underneath the fence was the Beast. Scott runs to him, "Come on help me" Scott shouts desperate.

Nobody moves, we wanna but we can't. Scotty tries lifting it up, but fails. I quickly run out to help Scott. "Easy. Easy, boy" I say petting its head as it whimpers.

Scott and I lift, it wasn't enough. Benny runs up to us, we lift again freeing the Beast. Scott backs up with Benny leaving me nose to nose with the Beast. Everyone watches in horror. The Beast sniffs me, that's it I'm lunch. The gang slaps their hands to their eyes.

The Beast leans closer. Mouth opens. Cold leather nose presses against my forehead. Then.... he licks my face. I wipe of his slobber, I look at him and began petting him. "Who's a good boy, who's a good boy" I coo.

I read his name tag, Hercules engraved. Hercules licks my hand. Then leads me to the lean-to, Hercules digs then stands away. The gang steps closer. We all look into the hole. Our faces lit up with wonder.

In the hole around 150 baseballs. We're all blown away, "We can play forever now" Benny said. I take the Beast by the collar. Benny, Scott and me go to  Mr.Mertle's back door.

Scotty knocks, Mr.Mertle answers, an old man with dark glasses. He comes out on the porch. "Hello?...." he says.
"Um we brought your dog home" Scott said.

"How'd he get out?" Mr.Mertle said. "Well sir.... um, we kinda of, well, what happened was-" Scotty Stuttered. "We hit a baseball into your yard. Then we tried to get it and-" Benny said.

"Why didn't you just come to the door... I'd have gotten it for you" Mr.Mertle said. I smacked my forehead.

"Well, thanks for bringin' him back" Mr.Mertle continued. "Why don't you come in to talk about baseball" Mr.Mertle invited. He looked at me as if asking if I was coming. "I'll pass I want to play with Hercules" I said rubbing the dogs stomach.

They walked in closing the door after them. We waited for about twenty minutes when, when Scotty came back out holding a Murders' Signed baseball.

Mr.Mertle took Hercules, saying I could take him for walks whenever I wanted.

Scott placed the brand new ball into the frame, tossing me the ball signed by Benny. I smirked knowing what to do with it.

In my top shelf was a frame holding the ball that Benny had signed. With pictures of us.

Jazmin nd I jumped into bed drifting to sleep.

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