June 23, 1962

233 12 1

It was obvious. How could I have not put it together. It was so easy since the beginning, since the first day of school.

"Guys gotta go poop" Scott said running ahead of us. "Ew Scott" I shout as he runs away. "Isn't that natural?" Timmy asks, making us all break into laughter.

The gang and I where a block or so from my house when Veronica frantically ran to me. "Veronica what's wrong?" I ask, my merciful side taking over, as she takes quick breaths. Her makeup completely smudged.

"Remember the first day of school. The shadow you saw coming from Benny's house. The principal incident. The Party. The people that were watching you and Benny. The muffins. The fair, when I got covered in puke. Your mom making friends. The kiss. You almost getting ran over" she talks looking at us, feeling more terrible as she sees our faces confused.

"My mom and dad did that!" She shouts loosing it. It all made sense now. "My mom wanted to do something with Benny, and my dad was just helping her sick mind" she said. "She was trying to get rid of me" I say realizing how this was beyond my imagination.

We ran home, Panic kicking in. Scott was alone. I opened the door, seeing her on the floor. And Scotty holding a bat for dear life. I tore off the mask she was wearing. Scott gasped, I looked at him giving him a wary smile.

I kicked her side, not one person moved scared of what I was capable of doing. I kicked her two more times making sure she got the message. I didn't want to get charged on murder so I backed away. Benny approached Scott taking the bat from him, and smashing it against her jaw.

I didn't know if to be scared or not, he was always calm, not really aggressive. My mom ran in with Bill on her heels, "What happened?" Bill asked looking at Mrs.Stanley laying on our floor knocked out.

"Call 911" murmured Jazmin, Veronica ran to the phone calling. The sirens rang loudly, people rushing in and out of our house. People talking to my mom and dad, I thought they would be beyond pissed.

They weren't. After explaining everything to everyone, cops took away Veronica and her mom. And Scott took this as a chance to tell Bill about the ball.

"You three are staying inside for a week" Bill said in a firm voice, trying to contain the excitement of having the new ball. "So we're grounded?" Jazmin asked looking at Yeah-Yeah, Bill and mom nodded.

"Can we still have the sleepover?" I asked hopeful that I'd get one last day to spend with Benny. "Absolutely not, they should get some rest after all the crazy stuff that has happened they need it" my mom said looking at all the boys.

"Bye guys" Jazmin waved them off, Scott and I said in sync walking them out, once they where out the door. "We need to talk" my mom and dad said leading me and Sankofa to the kitchen. "Scott go to bed" my mom mumbled kissing him goodnight.

"I thought you said those boys were younger than you" my mom said eyeing me. "I see that you two are in a relationship" my mom stated causing Bill look at us wide eyed.

"Mom, please" I beg knowing were this conversation was going to end. "No. They've been staying over and
vise-versa" she said, a tear escaped my eye. "Mom we've done nothing. We barely even kissed once" Jazmin said, I turn seeing her a sobbing mess.

"I need whatever has been going on to be over. You won't see them. Speak to them. Or think of them" Bill said pointing at both of us.

"You can't do this. Please" She says, causing more tears to escape. Knowing that I couldn't be with Benny broke me, but knowing that I could do nothing about it killed me.

"Mom, Dad I can't bare be without him!" I shouted, my dad opened his mouth to protest. My mom placed her hand over his mouth, as if telling to wait and see were it goes.

I can feel myself becoming weaker as I try to form words. "I love him" I say my mom gasps

We all turn to the door, Bill heads to it. But is beaten by Scott who blasted out his room.

He opened the door revealing Benny with Scott's metal bat in hand, and behind him Yeah-Yeah. "I came to give this back" Benny mumbled passing Scotty the bat.

I took my chance and ran to him, I gripped onto him. He hugged back resting his head on my shoulder. He pushed me away to get a better look at my bright red face.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking at my eyes. He slowly leans in and kisses my cheek, "It's alright" he says pulling me in for another tight embrace, rubbing my back he hummed to
Can't Help Falling In Love.

I trembled in his grip, hoping to never let go. We slowly pull away, Benny placing his hand on my waist holding me against his side. "It's okay" my mom says making me look at her. "It's okay for you to be together, you too Jazmin" my mom said smiling taking Bill's hand in hers.

I ran to them hugging them both whispering thanks over and over again.
"Thanks Benjamin for coming over, you too Alan" my dad says walking them. I smile waving goodbye to Benny who smiled brightly.

Me and Jazmin headed upstairs, but were stopped when we heard my mom say, "They truly love each other". I ran jumping onto the bed. "Goodnight" She whispered once in bed. "Goodnight" I mumbled.

Dread fell upon me, I love him, I can't bare to be without him, It would kill me, what would happen when it ends, would it end. I sigh pushing away those thoughts and actually trying to fall asleep.

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