June 11, 1962

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It was currently 7:55 a.m. "Bye Jack and Jazz" Scotty yelled while leaving for the Sandlot. "What horrible nicknames" I mumbled.

We decided not to go to the Sandlot, by we I mean me forcing Jazmin. "Come on we can't ignore them forever, after all Scotty is going to be worried" said Jazmin trying to convince me.

"No" I said bluntly. "A muffin?" She offered. "Muffin? Muffins were?!" I questioned desperately.

"Ah ah I'll buy you two muffins if and only If you come to the sandlot with me, and play" she said already putting conditions for me with muffins.

"Fine lets get dressed" I said while getting some shorts and a white tank top. "Hurry put on your PF flyers" Jazmin said while getting her money.
We walked into Vincent's I snooped around the front while Sankofa got my two well deserved muffins. Ding
"Lets go" She mumbled while dragging me out.

I tried grabbing at the bag that contained my muffins. "No I don't want you moaning here" she said. "Hey no fair you're gonna give em' to me at the Sandlot to embarrass me while I moan" I said.

"Excactomundo now lets get ready for this show" she said as she pushed the gate open with her free hand.

I being a genius I took my chance and stole the bag and ran into the sandlot while screaming like a psychopath.

"Move Move" I screamed to the boys so they could move out of my way. I looked over my shoulder, but to my horror Jazmin was gone.

I heard a couple chuckles, I turn around to run to the dugout, but stop when I realize that Jazmin had been standing behind me. "Hand them over or you'll eat them now in front of them" she threatened while pointing at the guys.

"Um third option" I said while blushing. "Ok since you're extremely annoying I'll let you eat one just one but you have to eat it now" said a smirking Jazmin. I handed over the bag containing one of my muffins. "You're just letting me eat it cause' you love me" I said while pointing at myself.

I looked down at the muffin in my palm while the gang watched me. Awaiting for my next action the gang stared me down, I took a bite of my muffin holding back a moan. I took the bat that was in Hams hand while walking to home base.

"Play ball" yelled Ham. Benny took his place as catcher behind me. I took one last bite of my muffin. This time I didn't even bother to hold back my moan.

"Mmmm  you're so good" I mumbled to the muffin. "Oh well thanks I get that a lot" said Benny while smirking behind the catchers mask. "Sure whatever" I said finishing my muffin and concentrating back on the game.

DeNunez pitched a curveball BAM, I ran the bases while smirking. "Damn it" I mumbled. I saw that a pickle was about to develop. I was on my way to home when Ham threw the ball to Someone. I then saw it was Yeah-Yeah, he caught the ball, so I ran back to third base.

Ham was about to throw it back to Yeah-Yeah so I ran and slid in between Yeah-Yeah's legs and touched home.
"Damn it you're just like Benny" whined Ham.

After playing until seven Jazmin finally gave me my muffin. "Mmmmmm you're delicious" I mumbled."Oh well
thanks I get that a lot" said Jazmin mocking Benny. I laughed at her so called smirk.

"Come on lets go home" Jazmin's eyes dropped in clear tiredness."Oh no" I mumbled over my shoulder to Jazmin. "What- oh nooo" she said once Veronica was in front of us.

"Um I'm serious when I tell you that me and Benny are together" Veronica said with the bitchiest voice. "Ok look here he comes behind you let's ask him"  I said while crossing my arms.

"Hey" said Benny standing next to Veronica, she grabbed his hand and put it on her waist. "Hi Benny Boo Boo Bear" said Veronica while kissing his cheek.

He tried to stop her but she wouldn't budge. "Oh hey Jazmin" he nodded his head towards her. She scoffed.

"So are you dating?" I questioned. "Yeah I realized she was the one" Said Benny with no expression nor a little twinkle in his eye.

"Come on" she mumbled through gritted teeth. Tears started to prickle my eyes, I couldn't believe it they are dating, he didn't tell me, why did he even flirt.

"I guess you get that a lot from V" I mocked. "What are you talking about" he asked dumbfounded, I can't believe him.

"Oh well thanks I get that a lot" I mocked once again before twirling around and walking back home with Jazmin  by my side.
"I just ugh I liked him so much" I said. "I know you do but let's go to bed" mumbled Sankofa, "Ok nighty night" I said. "Tomorrow can we just stay inside and ignore them all day" I mumbled hoping she would give in. "Yeah but wait Scotty" she yelled. "What do you need" he said tipping an imaginary hat.

"We won't go to the Sandlot tomorrow" Jazmin finally came to her senses and gave in. "Um yea tomorrow we're having a sleepover here we might need your room" he said while pointing at me.

"Hey did you know that Benny is dating  Veronica" I said while shoving my face in my pillow.

"Oh what" he said wide eyed. "Never mind" I groaned. "Night girls" he said walking down the hall.

"Ok now that he's gone let me tell you something, very big I'm dating Yeah-Yeah" Jazmin  said below a whisper.

"Welp that's it nighty night" I said before drifting to sleep. "You'll see he will come to his senses and realize he likes you"

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