September 7, 1962

197 9 1

"Mrs.Smalls" the doctor said with a stern face, I knew it. I slightly sinked into the maroon leather chair, I had been siting on. My thighs were probably a sweating mess by now.

"Yes, Doctor" My mom says leaning forward on her seat, as if watching the most intense novela ever. I looked back at the doctor, "Mrs.Smalls, Your daughter is going to have" the doctor continued slightly pausing.

I groaned internally, tired of all the suspense. "My daughter what doctor" my mom said more worried, "Don't tell me she's pregnant" my mom said, trying to crack a joke.

"Actually" the doctor said, my moms face contorted as if she was now possessed by the devil himself. I held tightly onto the armchairs, as if I was riding the scariest roller coaster ever.

"Mrs.Smalls, your daughter is going to have to cut the ice cream" the doctor said with a small smile, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was even holding.

"Yesss" I mumble to myself, both the Doctor and my mom turn and look at me puzzled, "Yes, Doctor I'll try to cut the ice cream for as long as possible" I said.

"Well that's it, come by anytime" he said handing me a lollipop, I looked down at his hand. "For being brave" he said, I nodded taking it.

Once back in the waiting room I saw Chance and his mom still sitting in the same spot as before. "I have some papers to sign" my mom said, I nodded and headed over to Chance.

"Hi" I greeted them both, "How'd it go in there?" She asked patting the seat next to her. "Just ice cream" I said, feeling a fool. "Did you think it was going to be a baby?" Ms.Almo asked, "Yeah we both did. We were so excited" I said, looking back at Chance.

"What happened to Chance's dad?" I asked, "I'm sorry. That's none of my business" I apologized. "Don't sweat it, well his parents made him move away" she said looking down at Chance, smiling wide.

"But he left me this bundle of joy" she said laughing at Chance whom had been staring puzzled at a game, for the last few minutes. "Chance is adorable" I mumble, looking at his face covered in freckles.

"You know. My sister doesn't like to babysit after school, would you like to do it?" She asked, "Chance do you want" she waited as if asking my name. "Jacqueline" I responded, "Do you want Jackie to babysit you?" She asked.

Chance vigorously nodded his head, "You can pick him up around four does that sound good" she said. "Yeah sounds great" I said, Chance went back to staring at his game.

"Were do you live?" I asked, she pondered on the address, "Around Vincent's, it's a bright yellow house, you won't miss it" she assured me.

"C'mon we're going back home" my mom said from the exit, "Bye Ms.Almo, Bye Chance" I said walking out the clinic. Now here comes the hard part, telling Benny.
"Mom I'm going to the backyard" I shouted opening the back door. "Okay sweetie" my mom responded. She's been watching me like a hawk since we visited the clinic.

I sat down against the solitary tree we had, I began thinking about Chance and what I could do, maybe introduce him to Hercules, they'll love each other.

I was to concentrated on my thoughts that I didn't hear the door opening and closing, signaling someone was coming.

Benny gave an unsteady sigh of the sort that I could see from six feet away. Wordlessly he sat beside me and then laid his head on my lap, his face in his arms.

Startled, I didn't immediately react, other than to glance over my shoulder to make certain that the tree hid us from the house.

I felt a little like I'd been approached by a wild animal, and I was at once flattered by its trust and worried that I'd scare it away.

After a moment, I carefully stroked a few fine, dusty strands of hair while I looked at the back of his neck. It made my chest hum to touch him and smell his scent.

"Ice cream" I grumbled, he groaned, "We are idiots" he stated, "If you would've gotten sick first, we would of thought you were pregnant" I mumbled, laughing at my own joke.

His chuckled made my body vibrate, "I'm babysitting now" I said playing with some of his curls. "Who?" He asked, "This little kid, around 4, his name's Chance" I replied.

"Can I come with?" He asked, "Yeah, plus I'm spending these last couple days with you" I said looking around, seeing that the yard needed mowing.

I ran a finger along the back of his ear. It felt dangerous and thrilling, but not as dangerous and thrilling as it would have been to touch him while he was looking at me.

"Wanna stay over tonight?" I asked, "Do you even have to ask" he mumbled. "You're perfect" I whispered, "You're beautiful" he complimented. My cheeks turning a light pink.

"You're adorable when you blush" he said finally turning around to look at me. "I love you" I whispered, he stood up, trapping me between his arms.

"I love you" he whispered back, attaching our lips together, our lips moved at a slow pace, savoring this moment.

We slowly pulled away, I began laughing, he looked at me quizzically. "We are idiots" I said, "Jesus, that was actually really funny" I said laughing slightly louder.

Benny turned bright red, he looked to his left trying to avoid eye contact. I leaned closer, turning his face to look at me. He began laughing, "We are idiots" he said, I laughed along.

"Kids come inside, it's getting dark" my mom said from the kitchen, "Let's go" Benny said pulling me up. "I love you, I love you, I love you" I repeated, not believing how much I loved this kid.

"I love you!" Benny shouted, dogs barking from across the street, we walked inside. "Ma we're going to sleep" I said, it was an odd feeling to tell my mom what we were going to do.

"Jazmin is staying at Alan's house" she replied continuing to wash some plates. I nodded, pulling Benny to my room, "Wanna just lay in bed and talk?" Benny said jumping on my bed.

"How do our parents even trust us?" I say looking up at my ceiling. "If only they knew" he mumbled, my eyes popped out, "Shhh" I shushed him turning on my side.

"Goodnight" Benny whispered, placing a tender kiss on my cheek. "Night" I whispered, slowly falling asleep.

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