August 22, 1962

232 9 0

It all happened so fast, it all slowly collapsed around me, and there was absolutely nothing I could do except curl up in a ball and cry.

After Jazmin pulled me out of bed, I changed into some sweats, and my black tank top with a random jersey. I looked down seeing Benny's jersey, I pulled it off, replacing it with another jersey.

She put my hair up in a ponytail making sure to leave out strands of hair out to cover my face. It seemed as if I had not slept in years, but it was just a broken heart, even though it felt numb.

I pulled off my jersey and replaced it with a hoodie, I slid on some black converse, with my backpack.
"You'll need these" Jazmin said handing me her reading glasses. I nodded putting them on, she smiled before pulling me out the house.

We decided on skipping the bus again, completely forgetting about Scotty. "There's curls again" Jazmin huffed, I cursed under my breath. I looked straight ahead, Jazmin held onto my arm the whole time.

"I need to go to the restroom, can you take my backpack to first period"  I said handing her my backpack, she nodded and went on her way. I walked into the restroom that was eerily empty, I opened the stall door but before I could close the door someone pushed against my back.

His hot breath hitting my neck, I struggled to get out of his grip, "No" Philips said in a firm voice.

His hands began to pull my sweats down, I began to squirm, almost breaking free. Suddenly his hand flew up to my neck, I chocked for air. My chest becoming tighter, the longer he kept his hand on my neck.

"Don't try to do that. Or you won't make it out alive" he threatened, he was using my weakness against me, Benny, knowing I'd be too weak to stop him.

I didn't want to go against him, I didn't know what he was actually capable of doing. He finally let go, I began to cough for air. He pulled down my sweats and underwear. I suddenly let go, I didn't try to stop him. I was tired of everything.

I heard his belt buckle, then I heard his pants falling onto the floor. I couldn't move or process what he was about to do, I didn't want to feel anything. So I did the next best thing, I went to my happy place.

Benny's arms holding me tight, as if it was the last time. Benny protecting me from harm, and loving me. He would kiss my face and hug me to calm me down.

But my happy place didn't last long, I snapped back to reality, feeling the penetration that Philips was causing. It could've been seconds or minutes maybe even hours. Hot tears streamed down my face slightly fogging up the glasses.

I whimpered in pain as he pulled out, he quickly pulled up his pants and left. "Don't tell anyone" he mumbled. When I heard the door close I collapsed on the floor. I managed to pull up my underwear and pants.

I heard the door open again, hours probably passed, but I didn't bother getting up, "Jesus, Jacqueline what happened to you?" Jazmin asked seeing me on the floor bleeding.

She began tearing up, "I'll call the teacher" she said standing up. I sat on the floor not able to move,  she ran out the stall. A couple minutes she ran back in with the teacher, who stared shocked at the scene in front of her.

"Call for help" Jazmin said looking at my empty eyes, she began crying. "It'll be alright" she whispered, I looked down at my shaking hands that where covered with blood. Soon enough paramedics came and took me away, and of course I had an audience.

The kids stared at me scared, I looked around. My eyes finally fell on Benny and to my surprise he wasn't looking at me. But behind him was Philips smirking, which gave me more reasons to make the bastard die.

I tried focusing my gaze on Jazmin, but everything and everyone became blurrier. No one in my class knew what had happened, only me and Philips.
"Hold on" Jazmin murmured as I fell into darkness once again.

They put on at least three stitches, for my injuries. They all asked for who was the son of a bitch, but I just kept quiet. I hoped Benny would come visit, but he never did.

"Ready to go home?" The nurse asked picking at her nails, I shook my head no. I was never going to be ready for what was waiting for me back home, back at school.

"Put these on" she said handing me a pair of shorts and a tank top my mom had dropped off. "You know, your very strong, and brave. I would never be able to walk outside with shorts. Your our future kid, make it amazing" she said before walking out the door.

I slightly chuckled, I would had expected her to say something that was actually relevant. "Your strong, and brave for not letting that kid ruin you" my mom whispered hugging me.

I sat in the middle of my parents as they spoke to the new principal.
"We need to get this bastard in jail" Bill growled, kill written all over him.
"I'm sorry but we can't do anything if your daughter doesn't tell us who did this" the principal spoke matter of factly.

He looked at me expecting me to say something, I just stared at his plaque, Mr. Mayer,
"That says it, we can't help" Mr.Mayer said walking us all out, "Jazmin and her will be absent for a week" My mom said while walking out.

The principal just nodded in understanding. We left to the car where we left Jazmin waiting for us, she scotched over. I sat down, the ride home was silent, just how I wanted it.

Bill dropped me and Jazmin off at home, he headed to work, taking mom along. She sat across of me in the living room, because and I quote 'She isn't stable, watch her with your life'.

"Who was it?" She asked for the third time since we got home. I just shook my head, "Please, tell me" She begged sitting next to me on the couch.

"C'mon, don't do this. It's all getting worse as time passes by. Benny probably hates my guts, Everyone thinks I'm disgusting, Benny is probably disgusted at the fact that I exist" I grumbled. Her face contorted, "Shit" I mumbled, a sudden shot of pain in my ass. I wouldn't keep this secret to myself forever I'd have to tell the authorities soon.

"Take this" She said handing me a pill and a cup of water, "For the pain" she said once I took it from her. I chugged down the water along with the pill. "It'll also kinda make you sleepy" she mumbled, "We gotta get you to bed" she said pulling me up.

After a couple minutes I was finally in bed and knocked out.

Credits: Thanks for letting me develop one of your stories.

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