June 23, 1962

250 10 2

A knock woke me up, it came from the window. I sighed rubbing my eyes, I looked over to my left seeing a small clock, 4:00 a.m.

I slowly pulled Benny's arms off me, trying to not wake him up. He slightly shifted looking for me. He patted around the bed until he found my pillow, and cuddled with it.

I let out a small laugh, soon shutting myself up. I jumped off the bed, and began to crawl to the window. I pushed over the curtains, and looked down. A dark figure stood there, staring back at me. I did a double take. Nothing.

Ticks began to sound from the  entrance. I ran to the bed in fear, I jumped next to Benny. He placed his arms around me lazily, I nuzzled against his chest. Hearing his slow, calm breaths.

"Wake up sleepyhead", Benny whispered. "My mom wants to meet you" he says pulling me up, "It's not often that you bring girls over?" I ask grinning.

He chuckles leading me downstairs, "Elizabeth, pásame los platos" said Benny's Mom to a younger version of herself. They were young and pretty, "Buenos Dias Ma" Benny said when his mom gave him a small kiss on the top of his head.

"Quien es esta muchacha?" Benny's mom asked slightly eyeing me up. "Parece gringa, la friegas Benny" Elizabeth said joining the chat. "Ama háblale" Benny said smirking slightly. His idea evident, fool his family.

"Hello young lady, Who are you?" She said in the most fluent English. "Hi Ms.Rodriguez, My name's Jacqueline Smalls" I said. I heard Elizabeth whisper, "Asta apellido de gringa".

"She's my girlfriend" Benny said joining my side. "Canijo" his mom grumbled. "Okay lets eat" Benny said pulling me into a seat. The table was quickly set up, they served chiles rellenos.

After breakfast Benny led me to the door, he smiled a cheeky smile from behind his mom and sister. I took a deep breath trying not to laugh, "Adios Señora Rodriguez, Elizabeth, Benny Te veo mas tarde" I spoke fluently. I let out a laugh before walking back home.

Not even turning back to see their reactions, Benny's laughs confirming that I had done a great job.

I knocked on the door, Scott opening it almost immediately. "Hey Sc-" I started, "They're making noises" he said pointing upstairs. I laughed running up the stairs, I knocked.

"Not now Scott" Jazmin groaned, "It's mom" I said imitating our mom. After loud thumps, she opened the door. "Your lucky its not mom" I say once I spot Yeah-Yeah's shoe. "Come out Yeah-Yeah" I say looking at Snakofa with a stern look.

"Bye Jazmin" he says walking out the house. "You were making out weren't you" I tease making my way into the room. The curtains wide open letting the light flood in, another small envelope was placed outside the door.

I ran to it picking it up,
For: Jacqueline Smalls Today is the day.
I groan tossing it into my drawer. "Bill's coming back today" She mumbles pulling out some clothes.

I put on the clothes that she had picked out. "Benny's calling" My mom shouted from downstairs. I sped to the phone, "You need to tell the police" he says barely audible. "Why?" I ask tapping my foot. "I got an envelope" he states before hanging up.

I ran up the stairs pulling out the envelopes that had ever been sent to me. I pull Jazmin out with me, "What happened?" Jazmin asked worriedly. "The envelopes" I respond running to Benny's house. I knock harder than I expected, Benny answers with the envelope in his hand.

"What does it say?" I ask my breaths becoming more rapid.
"Today is your day" he says his face contorted. "We gotta go" I whisper pulling them both.

After filling a report, Jazmin and Benny pulled me away.
"Who do you think it is?" She asked, I shrug. "Let's go to the sandlot, it'll calm you" Benny said.

We where now playing, after a very long conversation about the envelopes. The gang had over a million questions, and accusations. At some point they thought it was
The Organization Of Evil Squirrels.

I shifted not completely satisfied with my position. I finally found my perfect stance, "C'mon DeNunez" I shouted feeling a rush of adrenaline. He nodded throwing his heater, everything went in slow motion.

I imagined that the ball was the attacker, I hit the ball as hard as I could letting all my anger out on it. I ran to first, second, third, and finally home. No one moving. "What?" I ask looking at all of them for an answer.

"You just murdered that ball!" Shouted Veronica from behind me. I turn around seeing her behind us watching in a bush. I laugh, "You're next if you keep up your freak work" I grumble.

"It wasn't me, I swear. They told me to do it" she says slowly approaching the group. "Then who was it?" I ask slightly interested in the answers she could give us. "I'm sorry for busting your lip" she mumbles pulling at her dress.

"And all those threats, it'll all be over soon" she whispers, looking at Benny and me. "Who was it?" I ask more forceful. "Have you turned the letters in?"  She asks, "No" I respond bluntly, lying.

"Sorry" she says before heading the other way. "Sleepover?" I ask, not really interested in what had happened. The gang nods.

Everyone had their stuff ready, Scott decided to go home before us because he needed to go poop.

~Scott's POV~

I run upstairs to use the restroom, the urge to go is suddenly forgotten when I hear sounds from Jackie's room. I run to my room picking up a metal bat, gripping the cold metal I walk towards her room.

I push open the door, a figure hovering over her stuff. "Who are you?!" I shout trying to keep my composure. "Where are the letters?" The lady asks getting closer. "Leave!" I shout as she heads towards the stairs, if playing baseball has taught me anything was to react quickly.

I hit the back of her head knocking her out cold. I looked down as her body fell limp and rolled the steps and onto the floor.

The door opened everyone rushed in including Veronica, who kept repeating I'm sorry. Jackie stood there looking at the body pulling off the mask, revealing.

infatuation//the sandlot Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang