June 5 , 1962

575 15 4

I watched as my biological parents drove out from the Royal Diner, a drunk driver heading right at them. After a milkshake and a hamburger they were laughing at something my dad mentioned. Their eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights, it was a matter of seconds before both cars collided.

I felt my body be shaken, whoever it was was trying hard to wake me up, a habit I picked up from being in the foster home was that if anyone woke me up I would hurt them in someway. "Wake up" Scott practically shouted.

My hand felt around the carpeted floor of the car, gently tossing the baseball the way the voice came from, once I heard a small yelp I stood up from my seat and climbed out the car.

The sun was bright adding a nice glow to my skin, I looked at Scott who held onto his elbow, the ball rolled down onto the street. I rubbed what little sleep was left in my eyes, I looked away from my ball and looked over to our new house

A light pink house rested on top of newly mowed lawn, it reminded me of the color of the pillow that hid my candy bars the day of my parents anniversary.

The U-haul was empty except for a large box which had imprinted on it with ugly handwriting, Bill's, Jacqueline Baseball, and my red suitcase.

"Scott can you give me a hand" I called out for help, although his little noddle arms wouldn't help much. He gave up and called Bill for help, I on the other hand slipped inside the house trying to learn all the best hiding places for when we play Ultimate Hide and Seek.

I peeked out the door to ask Scott what room he desired to have as his own, but my ideas were blurred when a tan, tall extremely attractive boy walked by.

He looked around the age of fourteen. Scott vigorously waved at the unnamed boy, which he returned with a nod. His jet black hair was covered by a blue LA dodgers cap. He sent a smile my way for a second I shut down, I quickly recovered and smiled back.

Running upstairs I thought of how dumb I must've looked, or how red my face was and it wasn't because of the heat. At least from the sun it wasn't. Turning to the right I found a room painted with different shades of blue.

Bill assembled my bed as soon as we chose our rooms, I jumped onto my bed, "I love you" escaped my lips before I allowed sleep consume me.

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