June 15, 1962

375 9 7

It was currently 9:00 a.m. We had been hanging out by the dugout. I for one wanted to beat their asses. But I was afraid that my nerves would get to me.

"No way" said Jazmin breaking me from my thoughts. I looked around to see what had happened. I furrowed my eyebrows and nudged her.

"Oh I can't even" She said clutching her stomach from laughter. "Squints tell her" said Jazmin while wiping a single tear of laughter.

"Okay okay. So the first time I told the story of the Beast. DeNunez Fainted-" he said laughing. "Bull, Squints!" yelled DeNunez.

"You did man" said Benny smiling. "Oh boy this one is the best just you wait Iris" said Squints while pointing at Yeah-Yeah. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"When Yeah-Yeah heard it he peed his pants" he said as everyone broke into fits of laughter. "Shut up, Squints- did not!" Yeah-Yeah said while turning beat-red.

"You did, man" said Ham. Squints let out an evil crackle. "And when Ham heard it he barfed up two bags of marshmallows" I cringed at the thought of Ham barfing.

"Liar! It was only one!" Defended Ham.
It was 11:13 a.m. And we still had time to kill until the game.

The whole time I felt someone present. I gazed into Benny's eyes, they had the most beautiful color ever. He caught my gaze and smiled sweetly.

"Benny Booooo" I said laughing at how stupid I sounded. He wrapped his arms around my waist putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Mhm Jackie Joooo" he chuckled at how dumb we sounded. "Yeah- Yooooo" Jazmin said trying to mock me.

"Huh- oh Jazmin Joooo?- I don't get it" said Yeah-Yeah catching on to the situation. My body was suddenly lifted up and placed on Benny's back. Some kind of squeak escaped my lips when Benny began to run.

"Benny!!Benny!!Benny!!" I pleaded. "Yes Jackie" he said, the smirk evident.

"Please drop me, No!! I mean Please let me down gently" I said looking back at the dugout, noticing a dark figure staring at me and Benny.

I quickly looked back at Benny trying to not scare the person away. I slowly leaned towards Benny's face, "Benny please, look by the dugout I think I saw someone watching us" I said keeping myself calm.

"What?" His pace began to slow down. He gently let me down. "Look over, don't make it obvious." I said still seeing the person from the corner of my eye.

"Hey!-" Yelled Benny, after I clearly told him not to seem obvious. I quickly slapped my hand over Benny's mouth.

"Hey! Gang C'mon lets head to my house!" I yelled, not removing my hand from Benny's mouth.

I suddenly felt something wet touching my hand. "Benny" I quickly removed and wiped my hand on Benny's shirt.

"Yes?" He said slightly laughing. "What's the plan lovebirds?" Asked Ham while making smooching sounds.

"We go to my house" I replied quickly. They all started heading out, I looked back but the dark figure was gone.
We were about a block from my house when I felt Benny inching closer. "herm-," he was about to do it again. "Her moss" I called out, attracting everyone's attention.

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