August 30, 1962

250 12 4

I sigh, not being able to catch a wink of sleep. I look to my side, in bright red the clock read 4:01 a.m.

"Ha" I mumbled, Jazmin stirred in her sleep. I shushed myself, I'm not going to his house, I close my eyes ready to intent and go to sleep. I shove my face into my pillow when the room door slams open.

"Wakey, Wakey" my mom said above a whisper tarring off the blanket from my body. I groan trying to get ahold of it, "Hurry, Bill is about to leave" she said pulling me out of bed. My eyes slightly roll back, due to not sleeping.

"Put this on" she whispered, tossing me some shorts, a tank top and a jersey. "It's so dark" I whine, changing into the clothes. "Don't forget your glasses, you still got homework to catch up on" she said walking out the room.

I plop back on my side, slowly falling asleep. "No wake up, wake up" my mom shook me awake, "huh" I say standing up to brush my teeth. "Here's your backpack loaded with everything you need" mom says handing me backpack.

"Take your pills" she says passing me the two pills. I chug them down with some water.

"Hurry" my mom says dragging me across the Rodriguez's lawn. As if on cue Ms.Rodriguez opens the door, "Hi" she says leading me inside. I groan tossing myself onto the couch, "You can sleep in Benny's room, we don't have a guest room" she offers pointing upstairs.

I already loopy, nodded and slowly dragged myself upstairs, slightly tripping from time to time. "Elizabeth isn't home, Benny took some pills for a headache, he might be loopy, bye I'm going to work" she says walking out the house.

"What?" I ask myself, opening the door to Benny's room using both hands. "Woah there" I mumbled stumbling into the room, closing the door behind me.

I see him laying in his bed, his mouth slightly parted, letting out small snores. I toss my backpack by the door, and head to his bed.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked, "I don't know, I feel drunk" I giggle. I jump into the bed, finally resting my head on his very soft pillow.
"Are you tired?" I ask the voice, "Yea, haven't slept" the voice responded.

"Mystical voice, do you know everything?" I say slightly grinning, ready to ask everything and anything to the mystical voice.

"Yes, yes I do" the voice responded, I grinned like an idiot before asking, "Okay, I love Benny, but does Benny still Love me?"
Benny slightly stirs, "He loves you with all he's heart and he's sorry" the voice answers.

I suddenly realized who it was, "Benny you aren't subtle" I said staring at the back of his head. "I don't do subtle. I'm too hard core for that frick frack tick tack quarter back snick snack stuff" he said finally turning to look at me.

"Damn Benny, does pills are doing great things to you" I say smirking.

He groaned. "Shut up," he told me. I quickly shot up from my spot, Benny furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I throw up! Ahhhh!" I said, pointing into my open mouth.
"I want some soda and ice cream" I mumble, "Let's go get you some ice cream" he says standing up.

"Don't forget the soda" I say following his actions, I slightly trip on my way out.

His hand finds mine when we begin to walk down the stairs. "Thanks, I thought I was going to plummet to my death", he slightly chuckles leading me to the kitchen.

Benny got some ice cream on a bowl, for both of us, I began to fill up a cup with soda, when my hand slightly slipped, spilling most of it into the bowl.

I groan, seeing the Vanilla ice cream begin to bubble. I see Benny grinning to himself, "I bet it's good" he mumbled before digging at the ice cream. "Hey! I want to try" I say digging into it.

We both moan, not caring how orgasmic we sounded. "This is the shit!" I shout scooping more ice cream with my spoon, he nods in agreement.

"What can we call it?" He asks, we both stared intently at the bowl thinking of a clever name for it. I see the a piece of ice cream floating around in the soda, "I have the perfect name" I say, Benny turns to me ready for the best.

"We can name them loner" I say smiling at my bright idea, "Why?" He asks looking back at the bowl. "Look it's lonely" I state pointing at the pieces of ice cream floating solo.

"Nah, we can call them floats" he says pointing out that they float. "We shall call them Floats" I said scooping some more ice cream.

Once we finished the float, I was exhausted and was ready to go to sleep, the loopy effect not wearing off fast enough for my liking. "Sleep tight" Benny mumbles turning around, "Sleep tight" I mumble, hearing the distant thunderstorm that was heading our way.
After seven hours of sleep I decided to head to the park, even though it was raining. The effect had worn off, which made me feel better.

I shoved my hands into Benny's hoodie, trying to keep warm, wondering why I had even came out while it was raining. "Hey, Jackie! What are you doing here?" Asked Benny out of breath.

"Loser" I said flicking his forehead, "I dunno just wanted to clear my mind, ya dig me?" I say looking at some trees.

"I don't think that pill has worn off properly" he mumbled touching my forehead, checking for a nonexistent fever.

He stared at my face for a while, "Like what cha see" I say teasingly. He grins, "Yes, I do" he whispers, "I love you, and I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me most" he mumbles.

"It'll be okay" Benny told me. I could tell that he was afraid. "It'll be alright".

Impossibly, I realized I was crying because I loved him. And that the reason Benny touched me like that, his fingers so careful with me, was because he knew that I was still broken.

His lips grazed mine, and as soon as he kissed me I didn't want it to stop, he held onto my face the whole time. We slowly pulled away, "I love you" he mumbled.

"Do you, Jacqueline Estefania Smalls, take me back?" he asks slightly concerned. I nod my head, he grins and kissed my cheek.

I pressed my hands to my hot-red cheeks, my eyes wide, my face holding all the awe and excitement that Benny felt. "C'mon let's head home, Joo" he teased. "Let's go Boo" I mumbled intertwining our fingers together.
"I wanna go to sleep" I mumble, Benny nods in agreement. "These pills consumed most of my energy" he states wrapping his arms around me.

"You know those goofy names we have for each other, we sound like Teletubbies" I state, he nods chuckling.

I slowly drift to sleep, feeling all bubbly inside.

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