June 6, 1962

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Small ticks awoke me from my slumber, me being the extreme morning person I'am didn't comprehend what it was at first. Once out my sleeping state I looked over at my alarm clock it read in red 7:49 a.m.

What the hell who wakes up at this time? I let myself ponder as to why I even had an alarm ringing. You gotta be bloody kidding me, I have school. It then hit me that in California the school releases two weeks after  Atlanta and starts two weeks after Atlanta.

This is the cherry on top, I only have eleven minutes to get ready for school, I slid on some shorts my plain black shirt tucked into them with my Babe Ruth Jersey. I slid on some maroon shoes and ran downstairs were my black backpack rested on a green couch.

In it I placed a baseball and a mitt just Incase I got bored, I gracefully ran out the living room, nope I only made it halfway before I tripped on my shoelaces. "Shit" I yelped in pain, my ankle twisted.

Limping out of the house I realized that the sky was completely pitch black, "no way" I whispered to myself. My alarm was set for Texas time, "damn it" I whisper yelled. It was five in the morning.

I turned back to lock the door, but stopped momentarily when I saw a shadow coming from the cute boys house. I ran until I stumbled upon a baseball field it was pretty run down but it was gorgeous. Clouds of dust surrounded my shoes when I skidded to a stop.

I decided why not play I'm awake, I can't go back to sleep and hey I have my baseball stuff I decided to simply work on my pitch. I fumbled with the zipper of my backpack it jammed with the cloth inside, I yanked again and it finally opened.

I slowly pulled out my mitt and ball I threw some curveballs and what not, the sun started rising. That was my cue so I ran back home so I wouldn't get caught, as I fumbled with my keys the knob started to twist I had no choice but to climb up my balcony.

I successfully climbed up the balcony and got inside. As I went back in the restroom to wash my face the door to my room was opened and a overly excited Scott ran in, "Jacqueline! where are you?" He yelled, a decimal louder and my ears would've bled.

"Here" I called out, he rushed into the bathroom, "So I found this Sandlot and a group of eight kids play in," I didn't think that it was actually used, it did look pretty run down.

I Just nodded signaling for him to continue with his ranting. "And I want you to come with me" he said in a unsure voice.

"No I am not going, they won't let me play" I responded looking at my reflection, "But you're like a baseball goddess!what are you talking about of course they'll let you join, unlike me" he dragged the end, "What!?" I asked angry at the thought of my little brother being left out.

"I said that you are a baseball goddess" he responded dumbfounded as to why I had reacted like that. I rubbed my temple "No the last thing you said, something about them not letting you join". I'm 'bout to kill eight boys. "No I never meant it like that it's just that they'll never let me join. I can't catch nor throw" he said looking down.

"Oh yea after school today lets go and check them out" he gave me a suggestive smile. "Ok hurry you got five minutes until the bus gets here" he said as he ran out.

As I climbed on the bus Scott right on my heel. I decided to take a seat at the very back next to Scott of course. I then heard loud, obnoxious, disgusting, repugnant laughing I looked up to see a group of about five girls well one girl and her four minions.

"Why are you wearing that you scumbag" said who was obviously the leader. I scoffed, amused at the fact she believed she was offending someone. I saw my attractive neighbor chuckling at the situation that was unfolding in front of him.

"Hey whore why are you looking at my Benny" she screeched. "Shut up nobody's yours" I eyed the four girls behind her. "I mean except for your, you know minions" I said pointing at the girls behind her.

"What's your problem Veronica you know I have no interest in you" said Benny from his seat. You could hear overly exaggerated gasps from her minions. "Come on, whatever either way why are you wearing a baseball jersey" she said as she pulled on my jersey.

"I'm sorry that all your makeup is blocking the oxygen from getting to your brain, but isn't it obvious" I said smiling.

"What?! You don't mess with Veronica, I'll make your life here the worst" she said while pushing my shoulder.

I swiftly grabbed her hand and punched her with my free hand. She yelped in pain. I felt a pair of arms grab me by my waist. I turned around ready to punch someone else.

"Calm down its just me" Scotty said finally letting me down. This day started like shit hope it doesn't end like it.

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