July 4, 1962

265 8 2

I woke up dragging myself to the restroom to take a shower. It has been over a week since we were grounded, but just because my parents felt fair they extended it until today.

I pulled out some jeans and a white shirt, with my black PF flyers. Jazmin came out with the same outfit. "Bill bought lots of fireworks" I say excited to blow things up. "Mom decided to move the party to a nearby park where we could have more room" Sankofa said tying her shoes.

After about four hours of work, the park looked great. We went back home to pick out some fireworks from the trunk of the car. Somehow Benny's mom and my mom coordinated to make us both help them cook.

"Mom C'mon" I whined seeing her pull out another recipe. "Okay help take all this food to the car" I nodded calling out for reinforcements. "Load em up boys" I said passing Bill and Scott trays with varieties of food.

After packing up Bill drove away, he came back around fifteen minutes later. "Let's go Family" Bill said leading us out, we walked to the park. We finally got there, I saw Benny relocating a decoration.

I smiled and ran to him, "Benny" I said excited. He turned around picking me off my feet, "It's been forever" Benny whispered kissing my cheek. "It was only a week and three days" I say making his smile bigger.

My mom took a picture of us. I ran to go see it she handed it once it developed. His face holding all the excitement I was feeling. I hand it to her, "hold on to this for me" I mumble.
After a while of messing around with the boys, and some other neighbors I didn't know. It was time for the fireworks, the sky illuminated.

So did Benny's face, all the colors giving him the best lighting that could exist. Bill nears us, "Sweetie can you go home and get more fireworks?" I nod telling Benny that I'd be back. "I'll come with" he said standing up from the floor. "No, stay here it won't take long" I assured him.

My index held onto the dangling key for the car. I made my way back home trough the empty streets. I walked toward the car, about to open the hood. When a car stopped in front of the lawn.

Not thinking much of it. The man neared me. "The park is up ahead" I said pointed to my right.

He licked his lips and said, "Give me the letter?", I thought I must have misheard. I asked, "Excuse me?" He produced a small, impossibly real-looking handgun from the pocket of his dark jacket.

"The letter she left" he said more prominently. "Which letter?" I ask more confused.

"The first letter" he said, I shook my head. "I turned it in" I stated looking back at the gun. It was somehow difficult to process the fact of the gun.

It then clicked, they showed him the letters, and one was missing. "In the attic" he mumbled to himself looking up at my house.

He pulled out the gun and placed it against my forehead. A sudden urge to scratch my right eyebrow, where the cold metal met my skin.

"You think you're invincible. Guess what. So did I." When he said that, I knew he was going to kill me.

That there was no way that someone could have that much hatred and bitterness in his voice while holding a gun and not pull the trigger.

For a moment, there was no time: just the space between when one breath escaped and another rushed in.

A week before, Bill had thought me how to throw a hook.
Hit with your body, not just your fist.
Look where you're punching.
Elbow at ninety degrees.
Don't think about how much it will hurt.
Jacqueline I told you: Don't think about how much it will hurt.

I swung.
I forgot nearly everything Bill had told me, but I remembered to look, and it was only that and luck, that knocked the gun into the gravel by the road.

He bellowed a wordless shout.
We both dove for the gun. I stumbling onto one knee, kicked blindly in the direction of it.

I heard my foot connect with something. Mr.Stanley's arm first, then something more solid.

The gun skittered in the direction of the car's rear wheels, and I scrabbled around the far side of the Impala.

By the road, Mr.Stanley swore again and again and again. The gravel crunched as he crouched by the car.

He couldn't find the gun. He swore again. In the far-off distance, an engine hummed. Another car, possibly, coming this way. A rescuer or, at least a witness.

For a moment, Mr.Stanley was completely silent, and then, abruptly, he broke into a run, his footsteps softening as he made it back to his own car.

Ducking my head, I peered under the body of the car. I saw the slender silhouette of the gun between the rear tires, illuminated from behind by Mr.Stanley's headlights.

I wasn't sure if he was retreating or going for a flashlight. I backed farther into the darkness. Mr.Stanley's car charged onto the road, roaring toward his home.

The other car passed by right after. Oblivious. I stood up from the floor picking up the gun, and running inside the house through the balcony. I placed it in a plastic bag.

I ran back out the balcony, running toward the police station. I turned in the gun, and told them what had happened. Not entirely, I wanted to find the letter.

Once they let me leave I walked back home. I opened the hood pulling out some fireworks, it felt like a dream. I shouldn't be alive.

I ran back to the park trying not to waste time. I handed Bill the fireworks and his keys, he took them thanking me. I nodded, little did he know how hard it was to get them.

I headed to Benny, Jazmin, and
Yeah-Yeah who were getting a better view of the fireworks. "Guys" I said once I was standing next to them, absorbing all their attention.

"He was going to kill me" I say, I wouldn't have believed myself if I hadn't experienced it. "Who?" They ask a mixture of anger and worry. "Mr.Stanley" I mumbled.

After telling them the story, "Let's get you home" Jazmin whispered leading me home. "See ya tomorrow" Benny said kissing me.

"Where you two headed?" My mom asked looking between Jazmin and me. "The Tamales made her feel sick" She said coming up with a quick answer. I see Ms.Rodriguez perk up, "No Ms.Rodriguez, I ate too many cupcakes" I said smiling.

"Call me Rachel" she said smiling, I looked over at Elizabeth who smiled. Jazmin and I finally walking away.

"Go to sleep I'll stay here by your side" She whispered tucking me in. When did it all change at some point I watched over her, and now here we are, her watching over me.

I nod falling asleep.

infatuation//the sandlot Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin