June 14, 1962

338 11 3

I woke up with lots of energy since Jazmin made us sleep at 8.

Her soft snores filled the room. So I decided to take a quick shower and brush my teeth.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mom was sitting at the table, she suddenly looked up at me.

"Jacqueline we need to talk" said my mom in a stern voice. I nodded my head signaling for her to continue. "Jazmin's parents died two days prior we moved here" she said while looking down at her lap.

I took a seat next to her. "And well since she doesn't have any other family that will take her in" she said finally looking at me, a sad smile on my face.

"We adopted her so from now on she's Jazmin Smalls" she said a little more happy which made me smile. I stood up and hugged her tightly.

I ran back into my room where Jazmin was now on the bed snoring. "Jazmin you're my sister" I said while smiling.

"Yes I'am" she mumbled while stretching. She hugged me before going to take a shower.

I sighed and jumped on the bed. It felt good to have her in our family, but how will Bill react.

He's been there all the time he's just got to much work. How does mom deal with him it's like he's not there, for all we know he could be gone and be paying the bills and we wouldn't even notice his absence.
Once Scott, Jazmin and I told the gang we were siblings we decided to play a quick game and head home.

"Ok, Play ball" I said stealing Ham's Catchphrase. Benny was up to bat when the game was abruptly stopped by none other The Tigers.

Both teams met up halfway. Yeah-Yeah hid Jazmin behind him. While Benny simply took my hand in his. But then hid me like Yeah-Yeah did to Jazmin.

"Yeah, Ya smell like one too. Hey guys it's the Sandlot babies" yelled one of them.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a fat kid, and girls, Rodriguez" said one of the Little Leaguers, I couldn't tell who due to Benny's arm blocking my view.

Benny marches forward while the gang follows. "What'd you say, crapface?" Growled Benny. "Skin yer knees lately sliding on rock?!" Yelled another guy .

"Shut up, blockheads" yelled Ham. "What're you gonna do, Porter, sit on me?!" I held back a slight chuckle by coughing.

After comments were thrown in between the gang and the punks I hear Philips. "Tomorrow, Noon our field" and with that they left, and so did we.

We were walking when "Have you ever seen the beast?" Asked Scotty to no one in particular. "Ok, King Kong is real right?" Squints tested Scotty. "Yeah of course" said Scotty.

"We've never seen King Kong but he is real, We've never seen the beast but he is 100 percent, no 110 percent real" said Squints only receiving an "oh" from Scott.

Then a grin appeared in Scott's face. "What if King Kong never died and he's the beast" that comment caught everyone off guard. Heads were scratched , chins were rubbed and thoughts were thought.

"No way Scott" I said making everyone nod in agreement. Scott put his hands up in surrender. Benny held me by my waist and leaned into my ear to whisper something.

"hermosa" whispered Benny, my face turned bright red while he smirked. He pecked my cheek and continued a random conversation with DeNunez. Leaving me flustered.

"Nighty night" I mumbled to Sankofa. She simply groaned in response. But then she peeked up from next to me. "I heard what Benny called you" she whispered. I turned bright red.
"Oh yea" I said. "Wow I can't believe you're dating" she said. "Oh we aren't dating we're just talking" I mumbled, what even are we. "How do you think his lips would feel on your lips?" she asked. "That-" she cut me off.

"We are sisters after all" she said. "Ok they feel soft against my cheek so I don't know" I said.

"Uuuuuu when did this happened" she teased. "Today" I confessed. "Nighty night for reals this time" I said. Jazmin groaned and laid down.

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