June 21, 1962

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I literally roll out of bed falling to the ground. "Jackie?" Benny whispers. "Yea, I just um.. you know..." I said standing up, not knowing if me falling woke him up, or my loud groan.

He stood up, "I'll see you at the sandlot" he said giving me a quick kiss.
"See ya" I mumbled, What are we?!

He walks out the door, closing it behind him. The door opens again, I turn around expecting it to be Benny. "Jackie.What happened?" Jazmin said smirking. "I could ask you the same thing" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Nothing at all.... We Had Our First Kiss" she said jumping around excited. "We did too" I said smiling. "Jackie when are you going to ask him what you are?" She said running into the closet.

"I don't know" I said shrugging. "What happened to the letter?" She asked peeking her head out, still changing.
"About that, they've sent one before. And Benny saw them both" I groaned out.

"No way, can I read em'?" She asked. I nodded pulling both the letters out of my drawer. I handed the first one to her, she delicately opened it.

Her hand flew to her mouth as she read out loud.
"But this is just a warning.
Even thought you survived.
No one will know you got this.
Not even Benny.
You should watch your back.
Anonymous" she then continued with the second one.

"For: Jacqueline Smalls
Such a smart little girl.
My guess was you would tell.
And you didn't.
Little do you know I'm watching.
Look out.
Stupid whore.
Anonymous" she finished, handing them back to me.

"That little bitch!" she  shouted bolting to the door. "I don't know if it's her or not" I said holding her back.

"Of course it's her, have you see the way she looks at you? Pure hate!" She said. "That little skank" she growled running her hand trough her hair.

"Why did he leave so early?" She asked, referring to Benny. "I don't know" I answered shrugging. "Damn you must be tired" she said walking back in the closet.

"Tired of what?" I asked putting on new clothes. "Tired of not knowing anything" she answered, everything slowed down. I never know what's going on in my life I'm completely lost.

"Sort of, kinda" I said walking out the door. "Mom?" I called out as I descended the stairs. "Yes" she answered from the living room. "What you doing?" I asked looking at her sitting in the sofa.

"Nothing really, just you know watching my favorite show" she said not looking away from the television.

"Ok, I just wanted to say bye. I'm leaving to the sandlot" I said touching my glove. "Okay bye sweetie" she said as soon as I walked out the door. "C'mon let's go" Jazmin said pulling me by the arm.

We ran into the sandlot. I parted ways with her, she ran to Yeah-Yeah hugging him. I strode towards Benny, "Benny?" I said looking down at the dirt. He looked at me with a smile that slowly turned into a frown.

"Can we talk?" I said above a whisper. No one had seen us walk away from the dugout. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked looking in my eyes for an answer. "Are we- Am I your girlfriend?" I asked looking down at my shoes.

He looked at me as if I had asked one of the stupidest questions ever. He placed his hand gently on my chin, making me look at him. I took this time to admire all his features.

His her black hair sticking in odd places, but still managed to look great. His plump lips holding a small smile. His eyes some mixed colors that I loved. I smiled knowing that maybe, just maybe he was all mine.

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