June 7, 1962

486 15 1

I groan another day in that hell hole. I somehow smile when I realize that I'm suspended, and that I have to leave home and stay at the Sandlot for about 8 hours.

I go to my bathroom and simply take a shower and brushed my hair. I pull on a tank top with my jersey, that after three hours I was finally able to remove the fruit punch.

I grabbed my small black backpack and put five baseballs, two mitts, three apples, $20, and finally my keys. I'll just carry my baseball bat. I walked out, locked the door and headed out to the sandlot.
After five hours of nonstop baseball I decided to take a break and sit at the dugout.

I was dying since two hours before I ate all of my apples, I wanted some pop. As I stood up something red caught my eye it was a cooler!

I went towards it when I opened it. I only found one pop and it had written on it 'The Jet' whoever that is their loss, c'mon I'am dying of thirst while they are at school.

I still had three hours to kill so why not walk to Vincent's.

At Vincent's I bought two packs of bazooka. On my way back I saw lots and lots of kids coming out of nowhere. School is over. I cussed under my breath I'm so dumb, I left my stuff at the Sandlot.

I was walking back to the sandlot when I heard someone catcall. I turned around and saw a group of boys all wearing baseball jerseys 'The Tigers'. I recognized the one that slapped my ass, Philips? I think was his name. And they where getting a little to close for my comfort, so I ran.

While I ran I heard screams "Come back" and "Don't go that way" their screams only made me run faster, I opened the rusty old gate to The Sandlot and ran in, but was abruptly stopped by a group of eight boys looking at me wide eyed.

Then I realized that they knew that all that stuff belonged to me, damn it. I picked my shit up and blasted the fuck out. I already have enough problems, I then heard screams but they weren't as terrifying like the ones before "Hey hey we're not going to hurt you".

That made me stop and turn around, I hit someone's shoulders I took a step back and looked up to see my neighbor with a baseball. "This is yours, right?" He asked while rubbing his neck.

Wasn't he just a cutie, what on earth.
"I must've left it sorry" I mumbled. "She's lying I bet she can't hit a ball. You know what just leave us alone you're just trying to impress Bennyman" some one rudely yelled.

I looked at the chubby boy and in rage I walked up to him. "You know what, fuck you, I bet I can strike you out"
I said with my jaw clenched. I began to run again but this time not home, but to the sandlot.

As I waited for their return I pitched a little more and hit a couple balls.
"Hey why is she here?" someone mumbled.

"I came to strike out the chubby one", I said while pointing my mitt at him. "Oh it's on" he yelled while getting a bat, the tan guy got behind him as catcher. "Don't blink" I yelled.

"Pshh whatever give it to me hot shot" he said while smirking to the catcher. I threw my UWC, under wrist curve ball, it was really hard to master.

It landed in the catchers mitt, "Wow Ham you didn't even swing" said Benny.
"Shut up Benny I......I blinked" said Ham.

I took that as my cue and got my stuff and started to walk away.
"Hey wait where you going?" Said Benny. "Home I said I was going to strike him out and I did. Now I'm leaving" I said bluntly.

"Um we usually play in the summer but we wanted extra practice before summer ,would you like to play?" He asked looking at everything but my eyes. "Yea but as you know I'm suspended so I can't see you all during school" I said.

Their jaws dropped "You.....you were the girl who hit Veronica?" He asked in a weird state of illusion. "Yeah my name's Jacqueline Smalls " I said introducing myself.

"My name's Benny I mean Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, but you can call me Benny" he said and then began to introduce everyone else.

I walked home with eight new not friends but acquaintances.

Once inside my soft covers I drifted to sleep.

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