June 20, 1962

269 9 1

I shake Jazmin awake. "What?" She groans, I shake her more making sure she was awake. "Today is the day" I say standing up from the bed. "The day?" She says standing up, heading to the bathroom.

"The double date" I said smiling putting on a white tank top and some shorts, and some converse. I ran into the restroom to brush my teeth, "C'mon hurry up Jazmin" I gurgled out, due to the mouthwash.

"Jackie?What's this letter doing in your closet??" She said holding up a letter. "Um I don't know, we'll check after the date" I said rushing her downstairs. "Morning mom" Jazmin and I said in sync.

I swiped a muffin from the kitchen table taking a bite from it. "C'mon they're waiting for us" She said pulling me out the house, I left my muffin behind.

"Benny? Yeah-Yeah?" I said, seeing both boys already by the lawn. Benny was wearing some sweatpants with a shirt. He took my hand in his, I smiled kissing his cheek.

We walked into the old costume place, looking at all the outfits. I ran around an isle finding a blue tunic dress. Jazmin ran to me shoving a purple tunic dress in my face.

I smiled taking it, while passing her the blue tunic dress. "Wadda you think girls?" Benny said showing his
Dark-blue shirt, in small letters it said: Dick, and rainbow colored shorts.
Yeah-Yeah then came out with a black shirt, and matching rainbow colored shorts.

Me and Jazmin ran into the changing rooms to put on our dresses quickly. We ran back out laughing at how ridiculous we looked. We went to the register to pay.
We went back home to leave our clothes in my room. We ran out of my house looking like maniacs. We began walking around to what looked like a forest.

The boys had been leading us to an open field, that had a picnic basket set up. I smiled gripping onto Benny's hand.

We walked ahead of Jazmin and
Yeah-Yeah. He pecked my cheek. We where still far from the picnic. I looked back seeing Yeah-Yeah and Jazmin having the time of their lives.

Then Benny, suddenly charming again, flipped a hand in the direction of my purple tunic dress. "Lead the way, Eggplant". The wind smelled like rain, and the ground rumbled with thunder, but the weather held. "Thanks for coming, Jackie Jooo", Benny said. I shot him a dirty look. "You're welcome, Dick."

Benny suddenly picked me up and ran towards the picnic, he slowly set me down. I looked up into his eyes, we began to lean in. I looked down at his plump lips, leaning in more.

"Getting frisky I see" Jazmin said laughing, ruining our moment. I pecked Benny's cheek. We all sat down, I looked at the basket the smell was wonderful. I opened it, my mouth watering when I saw tamales.

"I see you like my mom's tamales" Benny said wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled taking three on my plate. I dug in, I turned and looked at Benny. "Want me to give you some" I said taking some and letting him take bites.

The food was gone in a span of fifteen minutes. I smile wiping Benny's mouth, "Guys, me and Jazmin are taking the basket, see ya round" Yeah-Yeah said taking Jazmin's hand.

Once they were out of sight, Benny tackles me to the floor. His hands where placed above my head supporting him, "Where were we?" Benny said looking into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

I sighed looking up into Benny's hazel eyes as he licked his plump lips. Our lips slowly connected, it was indescribable. His soft plump lips moving rapid, hungry against mine.

We finally pull away from lack of air. "That was incredible" I whispered touching my lips. Benny stood up pulling me with him, "Let's head to my house and watch t.v." I offered hoping he'd accept.

He nodded, I ducked down to pick up the blanket that was sprawled on the floor. I folded and held it tight against my stomach. He took my hand in his, I intertwined my fingers with his.
We were currently trying to sneak into the house without no one knowing. I sigh, opening the house door expecting to see my mom. Nobody was home, I turn back and pull Benny in.

We tiptoe up the stairs and into my room I lock the door behind us. I run towards my bed when I see the bag with our clothes. I pick it up tossing out the contents. I toss Benny his shirt and sweatpants. "You change in the closet" I said walking into the bathroom. I locked the door, taking off the tunic dress.

I put on my shorts and white tank top.
I walk out with the dress in my arms, I head towards the closet opening it. Benny stares at me in shock, I look down at his hands. He was holding a letter that was now ripped open.

I took it from his hand and began to read:

For: Jacqueline Smalls
Such a smart little girl.
My guess was you would tell.
And you didn't.
Little do you know I'm watching.
Look out.
Stupid whore.

I take the letter and throw it into my drawer. "Is that another letter?" Benny says looking at the previous letter under my necklace. I slightly nod, he walks over to it. And begins to read.

"Who is doing this?" He asks wrapping his arms around me. I shrug looking up into his eyes. "C'mon let's watch t.v." He whispers. I jump onto my bed taking off the covers and wrapping them around my body.

Benny gets under the covers, hugging me. I turn on the t.v. playing some random movie. I cuddle into his chest, he suddenly gets up. I groan at the loss of contact.

He turns off the lights giving us some sort of theater feeling. He jumps back into the bed, wrapping his arms around me. The sounds of the t.v. slowly drowning out, as I stared up at Benny.

I cuddled into his chest. Slowly drifting to sleep.
"I'll always protect you, I love you" a voice said, I felt a pair of lips peck my forehead. I smiled, feeling loved.

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