Chapter Two: Gay

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Alex admitted to me he liked me. I wasn't quite sure that I was gay. But I think Alex was.


A week later:

"Bye mom! Rian is here!" I yelled as I walked out the door. I opened the back door of Rian's car and got in. "Hi." I said putting my guitar case next to me.

"Hi." Cass said looking back at me.

"Morning Jack." Rian said. Thank god he wasn't mad at me about Alex.

"Morning." I said. Cass reached back and grabbed Rian's drumsticks.

"Did you get ahold of that guy you met at the guitar store?" Rian said, "He killed on the bass."

"Zack, no not yet." I said, "I was practicing."

"Practicing what?" Rian said to me, "We have no bassist. Or lead singer."

"Alex sings." I said, regretting it almost as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"I don't care." He said as we pulled into the school, "He's dumb." I ignored him. I opened the door grabbed my backpack, guitar, and Alex's jacket. I walked straight over to him.

"Thanks man." He said to me giving me a pat on the back. I walked toward the school but I was stopped by Alex coming up behind me. "You play?" He said looking down at my guitar.

"A little." I said looking around for Rian. Who was already inside the school.

"No way man! That's cool!" Alex said, "You should come hang sometime." He handed me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"I'll think about it." I smiled. My stomach had been non-stop hurting since that party and I threw up like twice a day.


At lunch I sat down with Rian and Cass.

"Why aren't you eating?" Rian said looking at me.

"I don't know." I said, "I threw up four times today."

"Jack, please come with me." Rian said standing up. I walked over to the bathroom with him. I had the urge to vomit. And that's just what I did.

"Uhg." I moaned. "I cant stop puking." A tear went down my cheek. Alex didn't like me he just said that because he was drunk. And the stuff that happened that morning was him seeing my guitar.

"Jack, look at me." Rian said. I looked at him sitting in front of the toilet. "Are you pregnant?"

"No" I denied him. "Maybe..." Oh god.. "I hope not." Mpreg was just figured out.

"Go home. Please." Rian said, "I'll drive you to the doctor Saturday." Saturday would be 3 weeks since the party.

"Okay." I said, I walked down to the office and told them that I had thrown up. They called  my mom and she came and got me.


My mom rushed in the office and signed me out. "Jack. You look awful, but your not fevered." She said to me, "What's going on?"

"Nothing mom. I'm just sick." I got into her car. She drove me home.  When I got home I went to my room. I cried. I stayed home for the rest of the week, I  felt like I was going to explode. Rian came over to pick me up. My mom had no idea what was going on. Cassadee was in the car. So I got in the back. But we were driving Cassadee's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked Cassadee.

"The hospital in Oakland." She said, "About three hours away."

"Why?" I whined.

"So no one see's you." Rian moaned at me.

"Okay." I said. The time passed quick. Minus the factor I threw up on the side of the road six times. When we got there Cassadee stayed in the car so no one ticketed us.

"Hi, I need a male pregnancy test today." I said quietly to the lady at the front desk. She gave me papers to fill out.


"Jack Barakat." A lady said about 15 minutes later. I walked back leaving Rian. When I went in they talked to me.

"Okay, Jack. You completed those test really well. Do you have any questions?" The lady asked me.

"Yes, Um.. I'm confused. How does this work?" I said

"I'm not quite sure. No one is actually does. All we know, is it happens like a female gives birth." The doctor said to me.

"When will I find out?" I said nervously.

"Sometime tomorrow." She said.


"I find out tomorrow." I said hugging Rian.

"Are you going to tell Alex?" I heard Cassadee say from behind me. She left the car. We all walked ou to the car.

"Hell no." I said, "I cant take it." I said, I turned around and threw up. I fell asleep in the car on the way home. Cassadee dropped me off. I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. I then called Rian when I woke up. I talked to him about how scared I was.

The next day:

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered, I almost cried because I knew exactly what this is.

"Hi, I'm calling to speak to Mr. Barakat." I heard a voice say.

"This is him." I said almost crying.

"Your pregnant." I heard a voice say, "Your check up is the 30th of April." I dropped my phone and sobbed.

"NO!" I screamed. My mom ran in my room.

"Honey, why are you crying?" Me mom said rubbing my head. I put my face in her lap, I couldn't breath I was crying so much. I clearly gained wait just last week I bought bigger pants and a few shirts. "Please talk to me." She said, she rubbed my hair. I caught my breath. "Baby." She said.

"Mom. I don't want to talk about it." I said bawling.

"Jack, I want to know now!" She stammered.

"I'm pregnant!" I yelped and cried even harder. "I got drunk mom! I had sex!"

"With another man." She said looking at me cross.

"Yes." I screamed, I threw stuff of my desk. "I'm sorry"

"Jack." She said, "Why didn't you tell me." She said looking at me. I sat down on my bed.

"I was scared." I told her.

"Jack! You can't just go around having sex with other guys!" She yelped.

"I'm-" I stopped, I took off running I grabbed my jacket and walked toward Rian's.

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