Chapter Twenty-One: Baby Life

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I was freaking out and breathing heavy. I was only 35 weeks. That was almost a month away. "Jack, are you okay?" Alex asked me nervously. I shook my head.

"Take me...." I said in shortness of breath, "To the hospital." I almost fell. Alex rushed me out to the car. He was on the phone with his mom, trying to get her to the hospital. I started to freak out because no one was home. Alex hung up with his mom and dialed my mom's number. He started calling her, "Hi, This is Alex," Alex said nervously, "Jack just went into labor and we are on our way to the hospital...." Alex was silent for 30 seconds, "How far are you away?" He asked, "Okay, my mom and grandma are going to be there, I'll call May and Joe and see if they can make it." Alex stopped, "Please don't rush and get fined, take your time, I have him with me and I will take care of him."


When we got to the hospital Alex got a wheelchair and rushed me into the hospital. His mom was quickly rushing behind us. May was on her way. Alex refused to tell  me about Joe. When I got into the room I was a wreck. I was confused and had no idea what was going on.

"I'm only 35 weeks!" I yelled trying to stay calm.

"Jack, stay calm its normal to not be on perfect timing. Your baby and you are safe." The nurse said. She handed me a pill that I swallowed within 3 seconds. May rushed into the room.

"Mom and dad are 10 miles away, Jack. Your doing great." May said. She grabbed Alex's hand and smiled at me. She grabbed my hand. "I promise." She said trying to smile. Alex kept looking at me.

"I'm scared." I said to them.

"Please don't be scared." Alex said to me. Alex was sweating. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack. May looked at him, let go of his hand and rubbed my back. My mom and dad ran into the room and straight up to me.

"What happened?! Did you guys do anything? He's early?" My mom said.

"He stood up and his back started killing him, he got sweaty and couldn't breath. I didn't do anything. And the nurse said it isn't going to hurt the baby or him." Alex said to my mom is a breaking, teary tone.


I was in labor for 3 hours. Isobel, Alex's grandma, May, and my dad went into the waiting room. The pushed over the curtain so I couldn't see what was happening. Alex and my mom were squeezing both of my hands. When I heard no noise from the baby I want to die. I was terrified. Eventually I heard crying. Alex had tears in his eyes and was smiling. They quickly cleaned her off and handed her to me. Alex leaned down and looked at her.

"Look Jack." He said, "She's beautiful." Alex choked. I smiled. The doctors quickly sewed me up and rolled my bed into another room. Alex sat in a chair next to my bed. My mom went and got everyone else. Alex kissed me.

"Alex, I can't believe it." I said in joy, "Lyric..." Alex smiled and kissed her forehead. I handed her over to him. He just smiled and rocked her back and forth. May walked up to us. I looked around for Joe. I didn't see him, which made my heart drop.

"She looks like Alex." She said. "She has dark hair though." She laughed.

"D-do you want to hold her?" Alex said looking up at May.

"Sure." Alex carefully handed her Lyric and May sat at the foot of my bed. "Jack, she's gorgeous." May said smiling at me. The nurse handed Alex papers to fill out. It had her date and time of birth, and me and Alex's names. Alex wrote her name out carefully and neatly:

Lyric Marie Gaskarth

I smiled at him. May handed Lyric to my mom. Lyric was passed around to everyone. At around 1am the nurse came in and took Lyric. Me and Alex were in the room alone because everyone left. They wanted to take care of Lyric and have me sleep. Alex spent another night in the chair.


I woke up to May talking to Alex. Alex had Lyric and May was sitting on the floor. "My baby brother." She said referring to me.

"I'm not a baby." I laughed. Laughing hurt. My stomach hurt. My face hurt. I sat the bed up.

"I know. Your 18." May smiled. "I'm so happy for you." She said to us. I smiled at her. Alex was lost and in love with the baby.

"Is Joe coming?" I asked May.

"I don't know." May said. "Eventually he will." She said. Alex looked up at me.

"Jack, she is so beautiful." Alex said.

"She's mini Alex." I said laughing about her cuteness. One of the nurses came in and brought me and Alex food. May had already eaten. Before the nurse left she was answering the questions we had, "When do I go home?" I asked her.

"Later today." She said. Alex handed May the baby. The nurse left.

"I brought you a car seat." May said, "Its old, honestly, I think it was Jack's." She said trying to make fun of me. She was acting like a little kid. She tried to embarrass me. I finished eating my food and the nurses took everything out.


About 5 o'clock I got home. Alex carried Lyric in her car seat and went into the kitchen. He made he a bottle and got a jar of baby food. He sat on the couch and put her in a baby highchair. My mom was making us dinner. I sat on the couch and watched Alex feed Lyric.

"I'm so glad everything was okay." Alex said smiling. I nodded. I wasn't talking very much.


Alex walked upstairs and put Lyric in her bed. He turned on the downstairs baby monitor and sat back down with me. I leaned on him and he started rubbing my head. "I can see my feet again." I joked. Alex laughed at me.

"Babe..." He said rubbing the back of my neck. He bent down and kissed me. "I'm tired. Do you want to go to bed?"


I walked up the steps. Well.. it was a woddle. I sat down on my bed. Alex looked in Lyric's crib which was in the corner of my room until we got used to everything. Alex laid down and hugged me. He held onto me and slept. He was super careful with me. "I love you, Jack." He said in a sleepy tone.

"I love you too." I said kissing his forehead. He rubbed my back and we both dosed off.

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