Chapter Four: Decissions

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I woke up the next morning next to sleeping Alex. "Good Morning Alex." I said hugging him. He immediately woke up.

"Good Morning." He said rolling over onto his back. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 6:30. School started in an hour. I jumped up and grabbed my sweat pants. I put them on and walked over at my phone. I texted Rian and told him not to pick me up. "Do you wanna go eat somewhere?" He said getting up.

"Sure." I said putting on my tee-shirt. Alex put on his black tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. He grabbed his red hoodie and put it on.

"Do you have a coat?" He asked me. It was cold out in the morning, always.

"No." I said with an awkward look. 

"Come here." He said moving his arm weird. He kissed my forehead and handed me a jacket with his football number on the back. We walked down the steps when we finished getting ready. I grabbed my backpack and Alex grabbed his and his keys. We got in the car. We headed over toward the school and grabbed fast food.


When Alex dropped me off at home, my mom gave me a hug.

"Hi mom." I said looking at my feet. "Alex is taking me tomorrow and can he stay over?"

"Well.. I don't care." She said looking at me. "Are you two going to school?"

"I'm not sure. Its at nine, so I don't think so." I looked around the house. She grabbed my hand and sat on the couch with me.

"Baby, do you plan to keep the baby?" She said looking at me. I almost threw up.

"Well... I'll be 18 then." I said looking down and putting my hand on my stomach.

"That means you have to pay. And its up to  you." She said. I almost cried, I was saving money for a car and I'd never get one. "I suggest you do something other than play your guitar."

"What?" I said really confused.

"Get a job. " She said.

"Mom, What if I can't" I said looking at her. "I can't even stand up."

"Jack. Don't do that." She said.

"This isn't fair. Why are you blaming this on me?!" I raised my voice.

"Honey, I'm not blaming anything on you. You made a mistake. A big  mistake. I'm sorry this happened and I hope whoever did this to you is." She said staying calm. But I never told her it was Alex.

"He is." I said, "He won't stop apologizing."

"Who is he?" She said looking at me. I turned around and ran into the bathroom. I threw up and I tried to stop but I couldn't. It made me want to die. She wouldn't let us be together. "Jack," I heard my mom say, as she pushed my hair back and gave me a hug. "Please tell me."

"No. You'll be mad."

"Was it Rian?" She said making my stomach drop.

"No, your close."  I said. She gave me a blank stare.

"Alex." She said in one fast breath, "It was him."

"I'm sorry," I cried, I laid my head on the toilet seat. "Please forgive me." I cried.

"Honey. Its not that big of a deal." She said, "I just want to meet him."


I opened the door to let Alex in. My mom was sitting on the couch. I walked him straight over to meet my mom.

"I'm Alex." He said shaking my mom's hand. They had about a fifteen minute conversation about the baby. We walked up the steps into my room. "Wow," He said looking at my wall.

"Oh, my guitars?" I asked him.

"Yes." He paused, "Holy crap." He said taking the black one of the wall. He looked at it. "This is amazing."

"Its not that great." I said.

"There's like 15 guitars on your wall." He said putting it back up. He sat down on my bed and put his backpack on the floor. I sat up toward my pillows.

"Are we keeping the baby?" I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"I don't know. We need money. But I'm 18 and your 17." He said moving toward me. "Which means legally I'm on my own and you will be soon. " I felt more tears go down my face. Alex moved even closer toward me. He hugged me. "Uhg, Jack. Don't cry." He whispered to me. It made me cry even more.

"I'm sorry." I said hugging him back.  He wouldn't let go of me.


When we woke up the next morning, we just dressed in sweats and hoodies. My mom made us breakfast.

"Thanks mom." I said chewing on bacon.

"Thank you." Alex said.

"What are you two doing today?" My mom asked

"My ultrasound and then we are gonna go eat." I said reaching for Alex's hand. He grabbed my hand.

"Well I hope you understand that we are finding a stable home for the baby when its born." My mom said putting dishes away.

"No." I said with a really bad attitude.

"Jack. Two 18 year old boys cannot take care of a child." She said looking at us, "You guys are not ready."

"Mom! How do you know we won't be good parents?" I said grabbing Alex's hand tighter. He stayed silent.

"I'm not saying your not going to be good parents. I'm just saying this isn't going to happen." She said turning around to grab her car keys. I literately stared at her. "I love you Jack, but I don't think so." I almost cried. Me and Alex got up and walked toward the door and he grabbed his keys. I put on my jacket and followed him to his car.

"Alex, what are we going to do?" I said looking over at him.

"I really want to keep it." He said almost in tears.

"I do too."

"We can, we'd just have to live at my house." He said looking at me.

"I guess so." I said.


When we got there we walked in a huge building. I'd never seen anything like this. I kept looking over at Alex. He held his keys in his hand and had a smile on his face.   I kept thinking about how he changed just because of our mistake.

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