Chapter Thirteen: Drama

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Note: The part about Tom, I made most of it up. Alex hasn't told fans or anyone public much. This  is what I know and my imagination. NOH8! :*


When we got home we walked to my room. My dad and Alex carried boxes up to my room. They put them on the foot of my bed. I hurried up and got in the shower. It was looking at my stomach. It was ugly and fat. I hated it. As soon as I got out of the shower I put my boxers on and climbed into my bed. I sat next to Alex who was looking at his phone. "H-hey Alex-x?" I paused, "Can I ask you something personal?" I said.

"Yeah, what is it?" He said laying his phone on the floor.

"Okay.." I said, "Please don't think I'm crazy?"

"Would I think that?" He asked me.

"Yes..." I said, "Okay.. So, my mom well.. me too. We were wondering.." I stopped and took a huge breath, "Where was your dad today?" I asked nervously.

"Jack, its a long ass story." He told me.

"And.." I continued.

"Okay, when I was in middle school. Before I met you, I was questioning my sexuality. My mom was open to it but I wasn't sure. My dad found out when me and my mom were talking and he got upset. He divorced my mom and kicked me, her, and my brother, Thomas out. Well... we moved here to Baltimore and this is where I have lived since then." He told me. He wiped a tear from his eye and continued, "Well, my brother was a raging alcoholic when I was maybe 12. So I don't remember much." He started sobbing, "He killed himself. He was 21 and I was 12. I just remember the look on my moms face. I started looking into music which was always my fall back."  He put his hands in his face. "Sorry," He sobbed. I almost spoke but I just stopped. I laid my hand on his leg. "I told my mom I was heterosexual. I stopped having feelings for guys. Well... until I met you." He said looking up at me. His eyes were read. He was pale. "That's why my mom supported me."

"Alex... I am so sorry.." I said rubbing his back. He hugged me and swallowed hard.

"It happened all on top of each other." He told me.

"I know." I said. I pulled away from him but he hugged me tighter.

"Please don't move." He said continuing to hug me. I just moved my face into his neck and kissed his cheek. I just sat there he wasn't even hugging me. He was basically bawling in my arms. He looked up and kissed my cheek. He wasn't crying. He was sniffling. "I'm going to take a shower." He said moving over.

 "Okay...." I said grabbing my water and TV remote. I turned on the news. It wasn't that I wanted to watch it. I just wanted noise. I heard Alex's phone go off. I looked down to the floor seeing what it was: I miss you -L

It was just a number. But knowing the 'L' it was Lisa. I was upset and really angry. I picked up his phone and went into the bathroom. "Alexander William!" I stammered looking at the shower curtain.

"Jack, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Just, Lisa texting you saying that she missed you..." I said to him.

"What?" He said looking out the curtain. I showed him the phone. His pathetic flip-phone was annoying me. He grabbed his  phone and opened it. "I don't know.." He said to me.

"Alex.. are you fucking cheating on me?" I said tearing up. My face was red and hot.

"Jack. Read the older messages. I fucking swear." He handed me his phone and turned off the shower. He grabbed his towel and I read through them. They hadn't talked since before they broke up.

"Why the hell-?" I said.

"I told you, I don't know." He said to me walking into my bedroom and grabbing boxers. He put his boxers on and dried off his hair.

"I don't get it.." I said, clearly showing I have never had a real girlfriend.

"I don't either." He told me. I sat back down on my bed. I closed the keyboard on Alex's phone. He didn't reply to Lisa. He sat beside me and laid his phone on my desk after he turned it off. "You are the only person I need right  now." He told me. I kissed his cheek. He pushed my hair away from my cheek. I was wearing a baggy tee-shirt. I didn't like having my shirt off. It made me feel awkward. I moved toward the back of my bed and sat down. Alex laid back. He didn't move at all.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He said, "I feel awful." He told me, "Like sick." He said.

"I do too." I said. And if he was sick, I was sick. He grabbed one of the little unwrapped boxes at the end of my bed. It was from Rian. I opened it up. It was a neatly folded blanket. Clearly folded by Cassadee. It said "Lyric Marie"

"Look Alex." I said showing it to him.

"Is that from Rian?" He said sitting up and moving a little closer toward me.

"Yeah." I said, "Its so cute."

"I love it." He said clenching the blanket. He folded it back up and handed it to me. I sat it in the box of other baby stuff. He started helping me open stuff up. We ended up with five packs of diapers, the blanket from Rian, a few pointless toys, 7 bottles, and a gift card. My mom and dad didn't give me theirs yet. They told Alex and I that they were waiting till later. The gift card came from Alex's mom. "Where was Zack today?" He asked me.

"Helping build the new shop." I said back to Alex. "He texted me and said we can get a guitar for 80% off when the shop is built.

"Woah, cool." Alex said perking up. He had half of his guitars here and half of mine were at his house. We had around 40 guitars combined. I smiled at Alex. He leaned in and kissed me.

"I think we are both sick." I told him.

"Jack, don't get fucking sick. It'll hurt Lyric." He said to me.

"I know." My mom knocked on the door. "Come in." I said, knowing it was her. The fact both of Alex and I weren't wearing clothes was great.

"Sweetie, are you good? Like no super amount of pain?" She asked me. She sat on my bed next to me and rubbed my hair.

"Yeah. I mean I get a shot of pain here and there. But I feel like I'm getting a cold. Is that bad for the baby?" I asked my mom.

"I'm not so sure. Your next appointment is in two days." She said to both of us. I frowned.

"On my birthday?" I said.

"Yeah, sweetie, sorry. I can't help it." She told me.

"I know I just don't want to be at an appointment all day on my birthday." I said. Alex put his hand on my leg.

"It'll be quick." She told me, "I promise." She said kissing my forehead and walking out of my room. I sighed. Alex rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"For what?" I asked him.

"Getting you pregnant." He said pulling his hand back.

"Its not you fault." I said holding his hand. I laid back and dozed off I wasn't ready to raise a baby and I knew it. I was scared and worried.

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